
Dueling Billboards Debate Topics of the Day

By Ken Klein, OAAA Executive Vice President, Government Affairs Think of a topic of the day… it’s debated on billboards. Some say impeach the President; others say “Thank you, President Trump.” Even topics you haven’t thought of (like, say, the pros and cons of cruise ships in Charleston) are hashed out on […]

6 Billboards Outside Rye Patch

Last week Insider wrote about Marquee Media’s three billboard Burma Shave campaign for the Sacramento Kings.  The article generated this note from Stott Outdoor’s General Manager Jim Moravec. “Myself and my sales staff were just discussing the recent articles you have posted on variations of the Burma Shave concept.  I […]

3 Billboards Outside Sacramento

Marquee Media is executing a modern take on the old Burma Shave progressive billboard campaign in this 3 billboard flight for the Sacramento Kings, complete with extensions. Marquee Media owner Jeff Joaquin tells Insider that the company has presented  sequential billboard concepts to several clients but the Kings were the […]

Billboards Make Us Scream For Halloween

Reprinted with permission of Clear Channel Outdoor. With fall’s arrival, it gets darker earlier, an eeriness lurks in the air, protruding skeleton bones emerge from lawns across your neighborhood, and creepy clowns are celebrated. Folks…this is Halloween. Halloween is the third largest holiday in the U.S., following Christmas and the […]

2019 OBIE Awards Are Open for Entries

  Step right up! The 2019 OBIE Awards Call for Entries is open. Throw your hat into the ring for a chance to win at ‘The Greatest Sh-OBIE!” The OBIE Awards honor creative excellence in the OOH industry. Does your OOH campaign have the creative strength to defy the odds? […]

Daily Billboard’s 3 of a Kind: Neon

This month as the nights are drawing in, for Daily Billboard Blog’s ‘3 of a Kind’ we’ll be exploring the nighttime delights of neon lights and how that they can help make a billboard spectacle in the dark. First up is neon billboard installation for Disney’s Tron: Legacy which was photographed along Santa […]

Rate This Board by Out of Home Creative

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a billboard ad using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great).  Then the designer recommends how to improve the ad.  This week’s rating is provided by Melody Roberts, an OBIE nominated billboard designer and founder […]

Political Ads: ‘Essential to 1st Amendment Protection’

By Ken Klein OAAA Executive Vice President, Government Affairs In northern Nevada – its airwaves crowded with political ads – Rep. Mark Amodei figures he can cut through the racket with billboards. Compared to political attacks on TV, (digital) billboards are sharp-looking, positive, and ever-present, says the candidate, seeking a fifth term […]

Rate this Board By Out of Home Creative

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a billboard ad using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great).  Then the designer recommends how to improve the ad.  This week’s rating is provided by Melody Roberts, an OBIE nominated billboard designer and founder […]

Out of the office: Billups Partner/Chief Strategy Officer Makes Art

Billups Partner/Chief Strategy Officer Rick Robinson makes art: “OOH is a human instinct.  We are visual at our core, we’re aggressive about it and it’s in our nature to mark space.  As an expression of that DNA I’ve been a steel sculptor for 25 years.  Have had the very good […]