Other News

Insider’s New Book in Paperback?

Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  is an important resource for anyone in the Out of Home industry.   We have had a number of requests for our new book in paperback. We are planning on running a printing of the books, but will be limiting it […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds April 4, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor “I bought my General Liability from Stu at Bassler and Co that I learned about on Billboard Insider.  I told […]

Lamar Responds to Coronavirus

Baton Rouge, LA – April 2, 2020 – Lamar Advertising Company (“Lamar”) (Nasdaq: LAMR), a leading operator of outdoor advertising and logo sign displays, today announced that it has withdrawn its full-year financial guidance for 2020 in light of the significant macroeconomic uncertainty resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. “We began […]

What the Academics Say About Advertising in A Recession

Research on Advertising in A Recession is the title of an article by Gerard Tellis and Kethan Tellis which was published in Journal of Advertising Research in 2009 in the middle of the last recession.  You can download a copy of the paper for $20 from the Journal of Advertising […]

PJ Pedroni says Smartlink has been practicing social distancing for years.

By PJ Pedroni, VP of OOH Solutions, Smartlink. Writing this hunkered down with my new (temporary) officemates from the SmartCave, the west coast annex of our Huntsville operation, prepared to outwit and outlast the COVID 19 pandemic.  Like everyone else, I have been looking for ways to find a sense […]

Shoutouts to OUTFRONT, Oliver, Advert and Pearl Media

Every evening at 7pm – 7:10pm local time zone, OUTFRONT Media is sharing an applause message on its digital billboards across the country in  support of healthcare workers.  The creative started March 31 and will run to April 20th.  The creative messaging, includes clapping hands and a simple #THANKYOU. Oliver […]

Company of the Day – Flynn Sign Company

  Company: Flynn Sign Company Markets: Tennessee Headquarters: 85 Burnett Street, Crossville, Tennessee 38555 Phone: 931-484-9591 Email: Sales@Flynnsigns.net Flynn Sign Company is a family owned and operated business started in 1948 by Bill Flynn to hand paint and service signs.  In 1970 the company moved to its 85 Burnett Street […]

Insider on the SBA Paycheck Protection Loan Program

We hope you owner/operators have been gathering information on the PPP, Paycheck Protection Program which authorizes up to $349 billion in forgivable loans to small businesses to pay their employees during the COVID-19 crisis. Insider has been doing a deep dive into the details and application process and, this morning, […]

Yoakum on Digital Billboard Standards

By Kerry Yoakum, VP of Government Affairs, OAAA. Billboard Insider recently published support for standardization for the sake of advancing digital billboards. Here’s a link to OAAA’s webpage on billboard standards which is available to the public. Aspect ratios The first guideline you will find is a document which provides […]

Inrix Reports Traffic Down 40%

Inrix reported that for the week of March 21-27 travel volumes were 40% below normal, a decline from the previous week in which travel volumes were 30% below normal.  Commercial trucking and fleet trucking are down by 5-10%.  Here’s the Chart. Urban areas are seeing a 60% decline in travel […]