Other News

Company of the Day – Ozark Poster Advertising

Company: Ozark Poster Advertising Markets: Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri. Headquarters: 114 N. Sycamore St, Harrison, Arkansas  72601 Phone: 870-741-5567 Email:  info@ozarkposter.com Ozark Poster Advertising is a 3rd generation family owned and operated business located in Harrison, AR. Mosco F. Cash Jr. bought the company in 1964, when it consisted […]

OOH Industry Mourns Loss of Wade Leslie

Longtime industry leader Wade Leslie IV, president and chief executive officer of West Virginia Outdoor Advertising, died at home on November 3. He was 57. “A great guy who was great for the industry,” summed up Shane Walters of Lamar Advertising Company. A funeral service was scheduled 2 p.m. Sunday, […]

JCDecaux Revenue Down 41% in 3Q 2020

Insider has two thoughts about last Friday’s JCDecaux third quarter earnings announcement. Billboards and street furniture are rebounding from covid the fastest. JCDecaux revenue was down 41% in the 3rd quarter of 2020.  The worst impact of covid was on the company’s transit business which is down 52%.  Covid needs to […]

Grey Outdoor Acquires Wig Outlet Billboards

Grey Outdoor LLC has acquired the assets of The Wig Outlet in Robeson County.  Insider talked with Grey Vick about the transaction. What did you buy? 8 wood billboard structures.  The assets located on I-95 just south of Exit 40 near the Robeson and Cumberland County line. These locations are near […]

Rate This Ad by Blip Billboards

Rate This Ad allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork provided by Billboard Insider using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. […]

Company of the Day: Overall Murals

Company:  Overall Murals Market:  Nationwide Headquarters:  874 Kent Ave/Ground Floor, Brooklyn, New York, 11205 Phone: 718-783-0835 Email: info@overallmurals.com Overall murals specializes in large-scale, hand-painted murals in the following cities: New York Los Angeles San Francisco Chicago Boston Atlanta Austin Nashville Seattle The company was started by Dmitry Pankov and Angel Saemai […]

Insider’s New Book is Available!

Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  is an important resource for anyone in the Out of Home industry. The 130 page Guide tells you: How to use an out of home attorney effectively 21 things in a good out of home lease 11 things in a good […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds November 7, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

Lamar Revenue Down 15% in Third Quarter 2020

Lamar is recovering from covid faster than OUTFRONT, Clear Channel Outdoor or JCDecaux and will aggressively deploy digital billboards in 2021.  Here are the results of the Lamar 3rd quarter earnings release and conference call. Revenues declined 15% to $386 million during the third quarter of 2020.  This was an […]