By: Karin Baatsch-Deboulet, EVP Operations US, Kinetic Worldwide & Mark Costa, Chief Digital Officer, JCDecaux North America What were the key takeaways for brands and marketers from the OAAA OOH MMM and Attribution research findings? These 2 findings from Sequent Partner’s interviews that were presented in the webinar stood […]
Collecting Delinquent Out of Home Accounts
By Kevin Gephart Part of being a good out of home sales rep is knowing when and how to turn up the heat on an account. Here’s a sequence of collection letters which does that in a thorough and direct way. AFTER 45 DAYS: Dear (client): Thank you very much […]
11 Rules for Sales Driven Team Meetings
Highly effective sales meetings require critical management self-examination: a.) would you attend your sales meetings if it wasn’t required? b.) consultants determine everything they need to know about a sales team by attending a sales meeting, what does your sales meeting say? These meetings belong to your team, not you. […]
Apple privacy update means no more training wheels for CMO’s
By James Munnerlynn, President and Co-Founder, Blip Billboards Apple released the much-anticipated iOS 15 in September, and with it came a number of user privacy features. Although advertising and marketing professionals and even the platforms – including Facebook and Instagram – are concerned about how this will impact their long-standing digital ad […]
Four Reasons To Recruit Specialized Sales Reps
Most of your sales staff should be composed of generalists but having a couple of key specialists in advertiser categories can be very profitable. Newspapers have practiced this for years. Muscle-build your sales team with 1 to 3 key specialized sales reps. Strategically identify and target your top five advertiser […]
OAAA Sales Tip: Holiday Shopping and Travel 2021
The 2021 holiday retail season presents enormous opportunity for retailers, especially as they look to make up ground lost in the pandemic. Consumer mobility is at or near COVID-era highs, and OOH has a unique position to engage consumers when they are most likely to act – at or near […]
Leveraging Management to Help You Sell
High performing out of home sales reps use all the sales tools at their disposal. One under-utilized tool is management involvement in the sales process. Including your manager in important presentations/sales calls isn’t a sign of weakness, rather the opposite; it demonstrates you are prepared, confident, and smart enough to […]
Gephart on Handling a Renewal on a Past Due Account
By Kevin Gephart My post on Handling Handling Collections During a Disrupted Market generated this question from a reader. I have a client that has had a perm’d billboard for a while. Because this past year was especially rough they have fallen behind in payments and their annual contract is […]
Handling Collections During a Recession or Disrupted Market
Here are my thoughts for maximizing collections during a recession or a disrupted market (e.g. covid). If, as a sales rep, you are subject to a commission/compensation charge-back for uncollectible accounts, take full responsibility for the process/outcome. Companies provide business office support for collections but when your compensation at stake […]
Strategies for Assigning Accounts
By Kevin Gephart Assuming you have diversity of personality-types within your sales department, make a formal determination of which rep fits into which of the four basic personality types: drivers, expressives, amiables, or analyticals. (If you’d like more info on these personality types, send me an email). Understand which category […]