Meadow Outdoor is running this PSA on California’s Hwy 101 in Redwood City, CA between San Jose and San Francisco. [wpforms id=”9787″] Paid Advertisement
Lamar Honors Nurses
There has never been a more important time to acknowledge the work of nurses. In commemoration of National Nurses Week, Lamar has dedicated space on its digital billboard network across the country to display artwork celebrating the work of these heroes. Created by Denver street artist Austin Zucchini Fowlers, […]
Lakeland Outdoor Honors Grads
Lakeland Outdoor has been honoring grads on digital billboards. Insider talked with Lakeland’s Kathy Oertel. Tell us about the program Lakeland Outdoor decided to showcase some of our 2020 graduating Seniors on our digital locations in Central Florida. Vikki Kast our Admin Assistant aka “scheduler guru extraordinaire” deserves a shoutout […]
Honoring Grads
Reagan Outdoor, Lamar Advertising and Highroad Advertising are using billboards to honor graduates. In case you wish to do the same, here is some copy provided by out of home designer Adam Owen. There’s space in the design for a picture and a name. […]
I Want School Back Billboard
Meadow Outdoor’s credit manager has a 6 year old son named AJ. His mom gives him daily school assignments. In “art” class he designed this billboard. Meadow posted it in the Dalles, Oregon yesterday. Great job AJ! [wpforms id=”9787″] Paid Advertisement
Want to Help? How About One of our Own
Whether it is a Church, Community Outreach, Women’s Crisis Center or your local Salvation Army, charitable organizations struggle through recessions as much or maybe more than those of us in the for-profit world. Our industry does a terrific job of helping out in our communities. Today, let us make you […]
Clear Channel Outdoor Billboards Stress #OpenForBusiness
Clear Channel Outdoor has launched a new campaign in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis – local businesses across the country have joined together in a campaign to help them remain open and offer essential products and services to the community – #OpenForBusiness. The initiative uses digital billboards throughout the […]
Piccadilly Lights Spotlights Hero Tom Moore
London, UK: The heroic achievements of 99-year-old war veteran Captain Tom Moore who has raised more than £21 million for NHS charities by walking 100 laps of his garden are being celebrated by the world famous Piccadilly Lights in London. From 10am today (Saturday, April 18), an hourly salute to […]
Rate This Board by Greg Callaham
Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is […]
Reeves Media Creates Digital Chalk Board
Reeves Media is pleased to announce Atlanta’s largest “Chalk Board”, a 30’ x 50’ digital billboard located in downtown Atlanta on the I 75/I 85 corridor, otherwise known as the downtown connector. The billboard is located on the property of Georgia State University, the former site of Turner Field and […]