Other News

Sam Rockwell calls out billboards during Oscar speech

During his Oscar acceptance speech Sunday, Three Billboards actor Sam Rockwell thanked “everyone who’s ever looked at a billboard.”  See minute 1:30 in the video. https://youtu.be/ipDnxapmtSE?t=86 [wpforms id=”9787″] Paid Advertisement

Adams Loses Appeal of Madison Lawsuit

The State of Wisconsin District IV Court of Appeals has rejected an attempt by Adams to appeal a court decision dismissing a case against the Dane County Board of Supervisors on the grounds that the supervisors violated state open meetings law during deliberations in which the supervisors denied an extension […]

Company of the Day – American Outdoor Advertising

Company:  American Outdoor Advertising Headquarters:  2201 E Camelback Road, Suite 620 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Markets: San Diego CA, Las Vegas NV and Phoenix Phone: 602.687.9220 Email:   sales@americanoutdoor.net American Outdoor Advertising is an outdoor advertising company serving the San Diego, Oakland, Las Vegas, and Northern Arizona markets. American offers high profile digitals on high […]

Readers comment on “When is a Contract Not a Contract”

Last Friday Insider explained a decision not to renegotiate a written outdoor advertising contract even though a client threatened to withold future business.  Insider touched a nerve and received lots of comments.  Here’s a selection: “I would have either done what you did, or negotiated a contract extension/other upsell on their […]

Rate This Board by Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is […]

NY assemblywoman wants say in digital sign

The high profile digital billboard in the picture is featured on the New York City DOT twitter page.  Queens Chronicle reports that a New York assemblywoman want to have a say in whether a digital billboard should exist at an approach to the RFK Triborough Bridge.  The assemblywoman claims the […]

Company of the Day: Albro Advertising

Company:  Albro Bench Advertising Markets: New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania Address:  20 W 3rd St, Suite 4, Jamestown, NY  14701 Phone: 716-640-9729 Email: albro2signs@yahoo.com Albro Bench Advertising operates plant of 150 bus benches primarily in Western New York State.  The company’s benches are concentrated in the following communities: James Town, New […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds March 3, 2018

Billboards for sale classifieds cost $120 for 12 months, paid in advance by credit card.  All other classifieds cost $60 for 60 days or $120 for 12 months paid in advance by credit card.  Billboard Insider will write a 200-700 word article publicizing the sale of your billboard plant for an […]

Lamar vs Outfront vs CCO vs the market.

Lamar has outperformed the S&P 500, the S&P Media Index and the REIT Index over the past four years.  Outfront and Clear Channel Outdoor have underperformed over the same time frame.  Lamar is blue, Outfront is purple and Clear Channel Outdoor is yellow in the chart below. Source of Chart: […]

iHeart Update Heading to the Weekend

Since details are moving very quickly on Clear Channel Outdoor’s parent company iHeartMedia, Inc., Insider wanted to provide a couple of updates of interest before the weekend. In two separate 8-K Filings, iHeart Media shared:  The Board of Directors has elected not to make interest payments due on March 1, 2018 […]