Other News

Blue Sky Digital Printing On The Importance Of Marketing

Blue Sky Digital Printing has always been proactive about regularly changing out their ad copy on Billboard Insider.  We decided to talk with Sarah Davis, Blue Sky’s Sales Manager, about how they approach their marketing. How important is a consistent marketing strategy to Blue Sky Digital Printing Printing? Being consistent […]

Company of the Day – Murray Outdoor

Company:  Murray Outdoor Communications Headquarters:  418 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Phone: 508.842.7764 Email: sales@murraybillboards.com About Murray Outdoor: Murray was founded in 1988 by Robert and Joseph Murray. Since its inception, Murray has built new locations, one by one, to provide coverage on New England’s major highways. The company features bulletins, mostly 14′ by […]

Comments on lease first rights of refusal

Insider received several comments in response to last weeks post from a landlord criticizing first rights of refusal in billboard leases. Insider thanks everyone who responded on this topic.  We may not always agree but we learn from others even when we disagree. Mike Fitzgerald, Railroad Outdoor I agree that a […]

Las Vegas Out of Home Market Booming

Commercial News has a feature on Danville, IL headquartered Watchfire signs.   From March to September Watchfire will be installing the largest single video in the world at the Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas.  130,000 square feet of digital signage.  That’s equivalent to 193 bulletin faces in case you’re counting.  […]

Rate This Board by Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This weeks rating is […]

Company of the Day: Munn Outdoor

Company: Munn Outdoor Advertising Markets: Mississippi Headquarters: 772 Highway 49 N, Hattiesburg, MS Phone: 601-264-7446 Munn Outdoor operates a billboard plant with 119 faces in the following Mississippi communities: Brooklyn Collins Columbia Hattiesburg Lucedale New Augusta Purvis Prentice Sumrall Wiggins The company is affiliated with Munn Enterprises which was started in 1986 by Everett Munn.  Munn […]

Out of the Office: Sherilyn McLain

  Tell Sherilyn McLain to take a hike and she will! Sherilyn spent 14 years with CBS Outdoor/Mall Media and is currently VP of Acquisitions for Landmark Dividend. To keep fit and “sane” you will find her on the many trails and mountains in AZ just about every weekend. Tough […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds January 26, 2019

“The response has been excellent.  Excellent investment.”  Out of home broker Stephen Minnich. “…we have received no less than 15 responses the ad you ran for us to sell our Quad Cities billboard plant…”  David Buring “FYI, today we got two requests from out of home companies to sign up.  […]

Fairway Rumors

Here’s what Insider hears about the sale of the remaining Fairway assets.   Reagan Outdoor is leading bidder for Fairway Tennessee, Indianapolis and Minnesota.   Link Media Outdoor is in the lead for the Fairway Texas assets.   Each of the pieces of the transaction is probably big enough that […]

It’s the Creative, Stupid!

By Rocky Sisson Past L. Ray Vahue Award Winner thought leadership  from OAAA One of the great presidential campaigns of all time was for President Bill Clinton’s first term. He had a sign hanging in the campaign’s “war room” that said It’s the economy, stupid!  Regardless of the question, every answer linked […]