Other News

Salute to Political Involvement

As we round out the year, OAAA salutes bipartisan political involvement on behalf of out of home media. Here are recent examples – across the country and the political spectrum – that highlight OAAA-member outreach to educate officeholders: California OAAA Board member Jim Moravec leads Stott Outdoor Advertising based in […]

The Geopath Futures Council’s Tasks and Wish Lists

Yesterday Insider profiled 4 of the 12 members of the Geopath futures council. Scott Fiaschetti, SVP Operations and Strategy, Geopath Gina Stratford, VP Sales and Marketing, YESCO Outdoor Media Matthew Noll, Director of Marketing and Digital Strategies, EMC Outdoor Mike Buongiovanni, Associate Media Director, Horizon Media Today those four members […]

Company of the Day – Brogan Outdoor

Company: Brogan Outdoor Markets:  Northern Indiana Headquarters: 106 Depot St, Larwill, IN  46764 Phone: 260-327-3257 Email:  sales@broganoutdoor.com Brogan Outdoor was formed in 1984 by Don Brogan after 20 years in the outdoor business, primarily with 3M.  In 1988 Dan Brogan joined his father and today Dan runs the company.  The company […]

Billboard Insider’s Top 5 stories for 2019

Here are Billboard Insider’s top 5 out of home stories for 2019. Mr Falzone Learns How To Conduct Business in Louisiana In April 2019 Scenic America President Mark Falzone said unflattering things about Lamar while testifying on an anti-billboard bill before the Louisiana legislature.  Lamar CEO Sean Reilly, a former […]

Q&A With the Leadership of the Geopath Futures Council

In March 2019 Geopath formed a Futures Council to help Geopath and the out of home industry prepare for the future.  Here is a closeup on the Council’s leaders.  They talk about their background and roles, why they joined the council and what it was like creating a best practices […]

Rate This Board By Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This weeks rating is […]

Company of the Day: Brooks Billboard

Company: Brooks Billboards Markets: Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky Headquarters:  PO Box 795, Perrysburg, OH  43552 Phone: 419-874-6400 Email:  BrooksWelker@yahoo.com Brooks Outdoor operates a plant of billboards in Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky.  The company started in the sign contracting and painting business.  Sign projects included the Toledo Zoo, Murphy’s Jazz Club and Tony Packo’s Restaurant […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds December 7, 2019

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor “I bought my General Liability from Stu at Bassler and Co that I learned about on Billboard Insider.  I told […]

WOW Media Growing in Los Angeles

  Culver City, CA — As the center of Los Angeles sports gravity slowly shifts south to Inglewood with the Los Angeles Rams, Chargers and Clippers all moving their high-profile franchises into the neighborhood — and with 80 million annual airline passengers using nearby LAX — the two-year-old WOW Media […]

Todd Heller Donor For Dad update

Insider has written about the Donor for Dad digital billboard campaign which is running right now t0 find a kidney donor for Formetco VP Todd Heller.  Insider received this update from Todd’s daughter Kara who highlights the effectiveness of the campaign and urges everyone to keep running the ads. WOW […]