Other News

OUTFRONT Doing Tuck-ins

OUTFRONT CFO Matt Siegel says the company is looking at tuck-in acquisitions.  Here is a selection of Siegel’s comments at yesterday’s Deutsche Bank 29th Annual Leveraged Financing Conference The Boston and New York transit markets are recovering Boston is similar to New York in that there is a return to […]

VIOOH Partners with Branded Cities

New York City, NY – October 5th, 2021 – Today, VIOOH, the leading global digital out of home (DOOH) marketplace, announced a new partnership with premier and iconic OOH media company, Branded Cities. The partnership will give Branded Cities access to VIOOH’s market-leading Supply-Side Platform (SSP) that currently has 34 […]

MilkMoney Teams with WalMart

To promote the launch of an in-home delivery service in the Atlanta area, Walmart turned to MilkMoney, a leading ad-tech platform specializing in OOH, to orchestrate a strategic, multi-pronged outdoor advertising campaign designed to target different sets of consumers while on-the-go. MilkMoney CEO Sam Keywanfar tells Billboard Insider:”Being at the […]

Company of the Day – BSeen 24-7

Company: BSeen 24-7 Headquarters: Malone, New York Market: Upstate New York Phone: 518-353-0110 Email: royal@bseen24-7.com Since its founding in 2010, Founder and President Royal Forgues has been providing service in upstate New York with their inventory of static and TriVision billboards. BSeen also provides a mobile advertising service with both […]

Leveraging Management to Help You Sell

High performing out of home sales reps use all the sales tools at their disposal. One under-utilized tool is management involvement in the sales process. Including your manager in important presentations/sales calls isn’t a sign of weakness, rather the opposite; it demonstrates you are prepared, confident, and smart enough to […]

IBOUSA Sends $250,000 to Independent Operators

At the fall IBOUSA conference Becky Smith highlighted how the IBO’s Speedway network is generating revenues for their independent billboard operators that are participating.  Billboard Insider talked with Smith about the program. How’s the program coming along? It’s been great and we continue to grow and to evolve!  We shifted […]

What to Do When Someone Trespasses On Your Billboard Property

By Richard Hamlin and Marnie Christine Cody, Hamlin Cody Law Firm. When you own and oversee a billboard, there is no clear guarantee that trespassers will avoid your billboard property. Our billboard lawyers have litigated disputes between landowners and billboard companies involving claims of trespassers. Unfortunately, many of us have […]

Company of the Day: Brooks Billboard

Company: Brooks Billboard Markets: Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky Headquarters:  PO Box 795, Perrysburg, OH  43552 Phone: 419-874-6400 Email:  BrooksWelker@yahoo.com Brooks Outdoor operates a plant with 85 billboards in Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky.   The compan’s market includes Toledo, I-75 south to Dayton and state routes in northwest Ohio. The company started in the sign contracting […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds October 2, 2021

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]