Daktronics revenues have recovered from covid but supply chain issues are impacting the digital billboard maker’s profits. Here are the results from the Daktronics 2Q FY 22 earnings release and earnings call for the 3 months ended October 31, 2021. Revenue increased by 30% to $165 million due to eased […]
Other News
CDC Reduces Quarantine Guidelines for Asymptomatic Covid-19 Cases
Formetco’s safety director Jim Poage passes along the following article to Billboard Insider on the CDC’s decision this week to shorten COVID-19 isolation and quarantine periods. This means asymptomatic employees can come back to work sooner than they previously could. Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)announced that […]
Company of the Day: Driggers Media
Company: Driggers Outdoor Markets: Louisiana Headquarters: 1440 Goodwin Road, Ruston, LA 71270 Phone: 318-251-0244 Driggers Outdoor has over 100 sign locations in Louisiana stretching along I-20 as well as I-49 south from Shreveport. The company is an operator associate of the IBOUSA. Rodney Driggers is the company’s President. Rodney, how did you enter […]
Billboard Leases on Tribal Land
Think you can write a lease with a tribe and be done with it? Not so fast, especially if the tribe hasn’t qualified under the Hearth Act. The Hearth Act is a federal law passed in 2012 which allows Indian tribes to write business leases for a primary term of […]
Lindmark Buys 18 Faces from Tillery in New Mexico
NORMAN, OK. – Lindmark Outdoor Media announced today the purchase of all Outdoor Advertising displays from Tillery Chevrolet-GMC, Inc. in New Mexico, representing the second acquisition in such state during this month of December. The eighteen (18) displays are all located along I-40 outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Terms of […]
Company of the Day – Drive-By-Signs
Company: Drive-By-Signs Headquarters: 2102 9th Ave SW, Watertown, SD 57201 Market: Watertown, S.D. Phone: (605) 886-8211 Email: Drivebysigns@hotmail.com Locally owned, Drive-By-Signs has provided outdoor advertising within the city of Watertown, South Dakota, and surrounding communities for 31 years. They began with a single structure in 1989 and have grown to […]
How Should A Landlord Determine Market Rents?
Out of home development expert Andy Goodman writes for Billboard Insider on development issues. His last column discussed billboards on native american tribe lands. Today he discusses the best way to determine market rent for a billboard lease. So the question here is how do I know that I’m getting […]
Colorado Court Upholds Billboard Regulations Triggered by Compensation
On December 6, 2021 the US District Court for the District of Colorado dismissed a request by Street Media Group and Turnpike Media to throw out Colorado’s billboard regulations. Street Media Group and Turnpike Media argued that Colorado State Department of Transportations sign rules were unconstitutional because they were impermissibly […]
Billboard Insider Classifieds December 27, 2021
Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.” Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager. We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified” Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]
Company of the Day: DDI Media
Company: DDI Media Markets: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee Headquarters: 8315 Drury Industrial Parkway, St Louis, MO 63114 Phone: 314-423-5040 DDI media operates a billboard plant with more than 1,400 faces concentrated in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Tennessee. Tim Drury is the Company’s President. Pat McLaughlin is SVP and General […]