
CCO stock outperforms market during first quarter.

Clear Channel Outdoor stock was up 3% for the first quarter while the S&P 500 was down 2%.  The market seems to be viewing the iHeart bankruptcy as a good thing because it means Clear Channel Outdoor may find independence and owners who will stop mortgaging the future to pay […]

Whiteheart Outdoor Update

Insider has learned that Whiteheart Outdoor’s plant is for sale.  Steve Minnich of Piedmont Business has been engaged to sell the assets.    You can reach Steve at if you want more info. Whiteheart Outdoor’s founder Bill Whiteheart died in September 2017.  Winston-Salem Journal has an article on Whiteheart’s business […]

Bankruptcy Implications For Clear Channel Outdoor

As iHeartMedia heads into bankruptcy, Insider will narrow our focus more to how the bankruptcy process may impact Clear Channel Outdoor. Along with our own commentary, Insider will refer our readership to other articles of merit as we scrub through the news of each day. One such article is by […]

Paul Wright on Valuing Easements

Yesterday Insider wrote about how to value a billboard easement.  Today valuation expert Paul Wright of SignValue gives his thoughts.  SignValue is the largest out of home appraisal firm in the US.  You can reach Paul at, (480)657-8400. Paul, how do landlords value billboard easements? Landowner’s don’t use multiples […]

Billboard Easement Valuation

Ken Wingate of Wingate Outdoor asked Insider to discuss easement valuation. A permanent billboard easement is worth 6-12 times the current billboard rent or projected billboard rent relating to the easement.  Insider saw lots of 6X transactions involving cash-strapped landlords during the last recession.  A 6X multiple is reasonable for […]

Drachman On What’s Next For CCO

With iHeartMedia now in bankruptcy and much speculation on the eventual fate of Clear Channel Outdoor, Insider caught up with Max Drachman, V.P. at Kalil & Co., to get his thoughts on the possibilities. Max, there has been a lot of early speculation about what happens to Clear Channel Outdoor. […]

Now’s the time to ask for better loan terms

Now is a good time to refinance and extend your out of home company’s credit lines.  Bank loan chargeoffs have been extremely low for the past 4 years. In response, banks are loosening credit terms and reducing loan spreads.  Lower cost loans and easy credit terms will disappear when the […]

IHeartMedia Deadline Comes ……. And Goes

Insider reported on Monday that IHeartMedia and their lenders had entered into a Forbearance Agreement that gave iHeart until Thursday March 8th at 12:59 AM Eastern time to come up with a $106 million interest payment or enter into a restructuring agreement that they have been continuing to negotiate with their […]

IHeartMedia Receives Short Delay

Today’s update on iHeartMedia is via a Form 8-K filed March 5th noting that iHeart had entered into a  Forbearance  Agreement related to the interest payment that was due on February 1st in the amount of $106 million. As a part of that loan agreement iHeart had a 30 day […]

Lamar vs Outfront vs CCO vs the market.

Lamar has outperformed the S&P 500, the S&P Media Index and the REIT Index over the past four years.  Outfront and Clear Channel Outdoor have underperformed over the same time frame.  Lamar is blue, Outfront is purple and Clear Channel Outdoor is yellow in the chart below. Source of Chart: […]