
Erika Goldberg on Automating Clear Channel Outdoor

During last week’s Clear Channel Outdoor Investor Day, Erika Goldberg, Clear Channel Outdoor Chief of Business Operations talked about the steps she’s taken to improve and automate the company’s operations. The old way of doing business. When I joined Clear Channel my immediate focus was on all of our workflows, […]

Company of the Day – Orlando Outdoor

Company:  Orlando Outdoor LLC Markets: Florida Address: 4815 New Broad Street, Suite 2031, Orlando, FL 32814 Phone: 877-314-4567 Email: Orlando Outdoor operates an Out of Home plant with 46 digital, static and trivision billboard locations around Orlando, Lakeland, Winter Haven, Davenport and Sebring Florida. Ryan Deming is the firm’s […]

W351 Offers Billboard Antenna Solution

W351  is a 25 year old out of home company which has patented a solution to install cellular antennas inside billboards.  Here are links to the company’s US patent and Billboard Antenna Powerpoint.  Billboard Insider talked to Andres Masco, the company’s US business development representative. Your powerpoint shows several installed […]

Company of the Day: Omaha Bus Bench

Company: Omaha Bus Bench Market:  Nebraska Address: 17410 Storage Road Suite A, Omaha, NE. 68136 Email: Phone: 402-861-0384 Omaha Bus Bench operates a bus bench advertising plant with 500 locations in Omaha, Nebraska.   The company is more than 30 years old.  Jim Paulison is the owner.  Paulison also owns […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds September 10, 2022

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

McWhorter Media Group’s COO Deanna Berry on Re-entering Out of Home

Insider was pleased to hear that McWhorter Media Group was re-investing  in the Out of Home space with their acquisition of Statler Billboards. We reached out to Deanna Berry, the Chief Operating Officer of McWhorter Media Group for her insights on the transaction and the trajectory of McWhorter going forward. […]

Company of the Day: Oldham Boy Outdoor Advertising

Company: Oldham Boy Outdoor Advertising Markets: Illinois Address: 2311 North Main St., Eldorado, IL. 62930 Email: Phone: 618–841-2228 Oldham Boy operates a 10′ by 20′ digital billboard on US Route 45 in South Eldorado, IL.  Pricing is $350-375/month.  Roy Oldham is the company’s owner.  The company was started in […]

Statler Billboards Divests to McWhorter Media Group

Statler Billboards is pleased to announce the sale of its 62 out of home advertising faces in the Pittsburgh, PA DMA to McWhorter Media Group. Williamson & Associates acted as exclusive broker and advisor to the seller. Statler Billboards is a local family-owned business originally started in 1990. Their coverage […]

Company of the Day – Oaktree Outdoor

Company: Oaktree Outdoor Advertising Headquarters:  1650 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 Market: Lancaster, PA Phone: 610-334-9102 Email: DEVON@OAKTREEOUTDOOR.COM Oaktree Outdoor Advertising serves the greater Lancaster area with 16 digital and 12 static faces. The Lancaster metropolitan area population is over 500,000. The city is located about 34 miles southeast of Harrisburg, 70 […]

Company of the Day: Ohio Outdoor

Company:  Ohio Outdoor Markets:  Ohio Email: Phone: 330-464-8539 Ohio Outdoor operates a plant of 22 static and digital billboards in Ohio.  In addition to operating an out of home plant the company assists others with constructing and managing static and digital billboards.    Billboard Insider talked with Ben Harbaugh, the firm’s […]