Tag: Pricing

Why You Shouldn’t Put Prices in a Ride Sheet

Almost two-thirds of our readers omit prices in a ride sheet.  On Tuesday Billboard Insider published comments from several readers in favor of posting prices. A midwest out of home executive explains the case for not putting prices in ridesheets. I saw your article yesterday about rate cards and voted […]

Chenault Saunders on Separate Rate Cards for Local and Non-profit Advertisers

On this week’s Billboard Insider podcast, Blackbird Media CEO Chenault Saunders talked about pricing structures to encourage local and non-profit advertisers to use the Nashville and Atlanta signs. A lot of local advertisers and local non profits who would want to have part of the voice on the Nashville sign […]

Neil Bell on Why Bonusing is Better than Discounting

Lots of interest in Neil Bells’s sales article earlier this week on avoiding a race to the bottom.   We asked Neil for a followup article on the specifics of bonusing. By Neil Bell, New South Outdoor Several Billboard Insider readers have asked me to give examples on how resisting discounts […]

Right hand reads get 31% more impressions.

We know intuitively that right hand reads get more impressions than left hand reads because the billboard is closer to the road.  Insider recently joined Geopath.  He reviewed the Geopath impressions data for his plant and discovered that his right hand had 31% more impressions than his left hand reads.  […]

Data sources for out of home rates

You know how you price your boards.  Where can you find data from other companies on out of home pricing? You can sometimes get rates simply by calling the phone number on an empty billboard. Fairway and Outfront don’t post rates online but most other out of home companies put […]

Brett Kelley on Colorado Billboard Pricing

In a Colorado Sign Association interview last Saturday Insider told the Colorado on premise sign people:  “In general billboard advertising costs $1,000-5,000/month for a 14 by 48 billboard. A billboard in a terrific freeway location without many boards near may be $5,000. The average is probably $1,500.” Brett Kelley is […]