Other News

Company of the Day – 718 Outdoor

Company: 718 Outdoor Market: Brooklyn, New York Headquarters: New York Phone: 718-664-4315 Email: info@718outdoor.com 718OUTDOOR is a media company specializing in traditional OOH platforms, and they are all about New York. They operate a plant that includes elevator ads, walls, murals and advertising panels.  Their area of focus is their home town of Brooklyn.  Glenn Merone is the […]

Your out of home company and politics.

Out of home advertising company assists city councilman with fundraising and offers paid internship to son of city councilman.  City Councilman introduces legislation to get out of home company out of a jam when it runs into a dispute with the city.  It’s all here in last Friday’s District Dig […]

Traffic Safety: Drowsiness is a Big Problem

  New research on driver behavior says drowsiness is a bigger problem than previously revealed in government estimates. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety issued a report February 8 based on dash-cam video from 700+ crashes. Detecting drowsiness after crashes is difficult and under-reported, the auto club said. Federal estimates […]

Outfront plans Fenton, MI digital billboard

TCTimes reports that Outfront Media is seeking to convert a billboard in Fenton Township, Michigan to digital.  The board is located on US 23 at Thompson Road.  This would be the only one of Outfront’s six billboards in Fenton Township which can be converted to digital.  The other boards are […]

Company of the Day: 5Star Outdoor

Company: 5 Star Outdoor Markets:  Michigan Headquarters: PO Box 252755, West Bloomfield, MI  48325-2755 Phone: 586-335-1444 Email: info@5staroutdoor.com 5 Star Outdoor is a family run business in West Bloomfield, Michigan.  The company operates a static and digital billboard plant around Detroit Michigan.     Paid Advertisement

Billboard Insider Classifieds February 10, 2018

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “When thinking as to how best to get the word out of our available position we thought of Billboard Insider.  We are glad we did.  The cost of the ad was reasonable and the response was outstanding.” Jim Moravec, Stott Outdoor “We had over 25 companies inquire […]

Industry Files Brief in Tennessee Case

A federal court ruling that invalidated Tennessee’s billboard law – If allowed to stand – could jeopardize billboard regulations nationwide, said a legal brief filed by the out of home advertising industry. In 2017, US District Court Judge Jon P. McCalla struck Tennessee’s billboard law as unconstitutional, citing a 2015 […]

Gainesville Georgia Going Digital

The Gainesville Times is reporting that after three years of negotiations, the City has reached a compromise to allow digital billboards.  Fairway Outdoor has the majority of the 70 or so billboards and had submitted 15 applications to convert existing static boards to digital. All the applications were denied by […]

Monterey, TN denies billboard request

Herald-citizen reports the the Monterey, Tennessee Board of Aldermen has rejected a change to the town’s commercial zoning to all the construction of a billboard on city property on Commercial Avenue.  The property is owned by the town’s police department.  Billboard developer Greg Jackson proposed to pay the town $1,000/year […]

Company of the Day: Zalla Media

Company: Zalla Media Markets: Kentucky Headquarters: 2333 Anderson Road, Crescent Sprints, KY  41017 Phone: 859-250-8793 Email: shannon@zallamedia.com Zalla Media operates a digital billboard on I-75 in Northern Kentucky just over the Ohio River from Cincinnati.  The sign is on the most heavily traveled interstate in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area and gets 284,452 impressions each week. […]