Other News

Company of the Day: City Outdoor

Company: City Outdoor Markets:  Massachusetts, Illinois, California, New York Headquarters: 1333 Broadway, Suit 506, New York, New York 10018 Phone: 212-736-9400 City Outdoor operates a plant of high profile bulletins, digital billboards, wallscapes and windowscapes in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco.  The firm was started by […]

Happy Fathers Day!

Insider wishes you a Happy Fathers Day.  It’s amazing how many father/son/daughter combinations there are in the out of home business.   Some of the fathers are no longer living.  We’ve listed the Father first. Apparatix: John James, Jonathan James Barnes Outdoor: Rod Barnes, Maryjane Shackleford, John Barnes Barrett Outdoor: Jack […]

Out of the Office: Marty Williamson

Out of home advertising broker Marty Williamson of Williamson and Associates competes in Damn the Torpedos.  He describes the event in his own words: I enjoy driving my 1975 Triumph TR6.  I also enjoy car shows and often participate in a timed road rally event called Damn The Torpedo’s. Every […]

OOH’s Role in Today’s Shift to Experiential Marketing

With permission of the OAAA. “Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell.” Marketing Guru Seth Godin’s words have never been truer in today’s media marketplace. Consumers today expect brands to understand their unique needs and preferences, they crave authenticity and meaningful connections. Experiential […]

Regulatory Roundup – Week of June 11th

There was a lot of regulatory activity this week, so Insider highlights those that caught our eye. Seymour, Indiana – The city of Seymour is asking Lamar to take down four billboards on property the city wants to develop.    Lamar, who owns the four double-faced structures has offered to remove […]

Daily Billboards 3 of a kind – Statue of Liberty

Last month Daily Billboard Blog shined a spotlight on L.A.’s iconic Hollywood Sign, but this month I thought I’d take a look at three treatments featuring another national monument, New York’s Statue of Liberty. A gift to America from France, this giant symbol of enlightenment has been a towering beacon of freedom, acceptance […]

Company of the Day: Circle City Outdoor

Company:  Circle City Outdoor Markets:  Indiana, Iowa Headquarters: 1405 West Crestwood Ct, Spokane, WA  98033 Phone:  206-910-1283 Email:  circlecitybillboards@gmail.com Circle City Outdoor operates a 55 face billboard plant in Indiana and Iowa.  The company is managed by Dave Westburg who also publishes Billboard Insider.  Insider interviewed Westburg. How did you […]

Ads on Traffic Signs? No Way

By Jim Moravec, general partner, Stott Outdoor Advertising.  This article originally appeared in Morning Consult and is reprinted by permission. With traffic congestion and aging infrastructure, America faces an intriguing question:  Should the government auction pieces of the public’s highways to pay for transportation? California is a focus of this […]

Many small towns not Reed v Gilbert compliant.

Insider is surprised how many small communities have sign codes which are not compliant with Reed V Gilbert.  The biggest offense is a sign code with multiple categories which requires a sign inspector to read a sign to decide what sort of rules apply. Insider knows of one Indiana town […]

JCDecaux Launches VIOOH, a Global Independent Automated Planning and Trading Platform

Paris, June 12th, 2018 – JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris: DEC), the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, announces the launch of VIOOH – a global independent automated planning and trading platform designed to accelerate growth of Out-of-Home and connect the industry to the programmatic digital ecosystem. The capital of VIOOH – […]