Other News

Company of the Day – Cooper Outdoor

Company: Cooper Outdoor  Markets: Texas, Southern Coast, Southeast of San Antonio. Headquarters:  115 Waco, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78401 Phone:  361-882-3088 Email: coopersales@cooperoutdoor.com Cooper Outdoor is a locally owned and operated family business which was founded in 1981.  The company has 500 billboard locations in Aransas County, Bee County, Jim Wells […]

6 Tips for Selling Out of Home Versus TV

Jesse London has 25 years experience in media sales including 20 years selling out of home.  Last week he talked about selling out of home versus radio.  Today he gives 6 tips for selling out of home versus TV. How would you sell out of home versus TV? (1) I […]

Prismview and Yesco Partner on Vegas Digital Billboard

Digital billboards are making the one-premise and off-premise signs more and more alike.  One case of this is the digital billboard located at American Eagle’s new building in Las Vegas.  The project was a joint venture between Yesco and Prismview. History For decades, the Prismview team operated under the YESCO […]

Rate This Board by Out of Home Creative

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a billboard ad using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great).  Then the designer recommends how to improve the ad.  This week’s rating is provided by Melody Roberts, an OBIE nominated billboard designer and founder […]

Sandy Seago Joins RBX Media as Chief Development Officer

Columbus, Ohio (January 24, 2020) – RBX Media, a leading out-of-home media company, announced the hiring of Sandy Seago as Chief Development Officer. Sandy will report to James Bicknell, CEO of RBX Media. In his role, Sandy, along with Bicknell, will lead the development efforts for the company, including building […]

Company of the Day: Comstor Outdoor

Company: Comstor Outdoor Markets: Indiana and Ohio. Headquarters: 9016 St Route 117, Box 151 Huntsville, Ohio  43324-0151. Phone: 888-354-2591 Email: office@comstoroutdoor.com Comstor Outdoor was started in 2001 by Jason Duff and operates 400 faces in western Ohio and Eastern Indiana.  In addition to Comstor, Duff runs the Community Storage & Properties real estate firm […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds January 25, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor “I bought my General Liability from Stu at Bassler and Co that I learned about on Billboard Insider.  I told […]

How much do billboards cost in…

Lots of people ask Insider about out of home rates in particular markets.  Here are 3 tools which provide out of home rates in different markets without a lengthy registration process. The Adomni Widget Adomni lets you search for digital sign inventory online by geography or audience.  You can see […]

New and Noted – Sean Reilly, venture investor

Lamar CEO Sean Reilly is a venture investor.  He participated in a $2.3 million fundraising round for MasteryPrep, a Baton-Rouge based company that sells standardized testing software and training materials. Tired of ads which follow you around the web?  They’re going away in two years.  Google is making third party […]

Billy Graham and Billboards

  Insider just finished William Martin’s biography of Billy Graham: A Prophet with Honor – The Billy Graham Story.  Graham (1918-2018) was a remarkable man who lived a scandal free life and changed lives with his preaching.  He used billboards to publicize his crusades.  Some quotes from the biography. Graham […]