Other News

Company of the Day: Eye Corp Media

Company: Eye Corp Media Headquarters: 48 Wall Street, 29th Floor  New York, NY 10005 Markets: Nationwide. Email: info@eyecorpmedia.com Phone: 646.871.4430 EYE Corp Media is an Out-of-Home media company that reaches consumers nationwide in local communities where they shop, dine, commute and play. They use multiple media platforms, from backlit posters and high-definition digital […]

OAAA Has Your Back

From Anna Bager, OAAA President & CEO We’ve Got Your Back Today’s crisis — with restrictions on mobility for the sake of public health that also choke the economy — raises a classic (legit) question about trade associations: “Does somebody have my back?” OAAA has your back. Together, we can face […]

Jennifer Sloane on Coronavirus and the OOH Industry

By Jennifer Sloane, Esq. What does the Coronavirus mean for the OOH Industry? Having been in the OOH industry long enough to see many highs and lows, it is my opinion that we can predict the impact of the coronavirus on our industry by looking at what happened after 9/11. […]

What Readers Say About Coronavirus

Here are the reader responses to yesterday’s question about how coronarivus is impacting their companies.  Insider is impressed by the can-do attitude people are showing. An east coast out of home company owner We’ve only had a couple of customers wanting to come off or needing help. Mainly our restaurants […]

Shoutouts to OUTFRONT, Adam Owen, Gordon Outdoor and Kre8Media

Shoutouts to the following OOH companies for taking positive steps to fight coronavirus. OUTFRONT Media for launching a digital out of home campaign simply thanking those who are the heroes during this crazy time.  OUTFRONT’s Courtney Richards says, “While we’re all trying to navigate our new normal (for now!), it’s […]

Rate This Board by Greg Callaham

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is […]

Company of the Day – EPIC Outdoor

Company: EPIC Outdoor Advertising Headquarters:  720 St. Anne St., Rapid City, SD 57701 Markets: South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska Phone:  (605) 388-9424 Email:  brendan@epicoutdoor.com EPIC Outdoor Advertising billboards can be found in the following areas: North central Nebraska (Chadron & Alliance) Eastern Wyoming Western South Dakota Along with their static inventory […]

Coronavirus: Bad But Not The Apocalypse

There’s a lot of sky is falling talk about the coronavirus.  Traffic counts are down 30-60% in Washington State.  Transit ridership is down by an average of 64% according Transit to app.  Insider is concerned and sheltering in place.  He lives 2 miles from the Kirkland Life Care Center where […]

How OOH Lenders Are Reacting to Coronavirus

The economy and the OOH industry has had a strong run over the last ten years.  Cash flows are strong, profits are up and our values have been at all time highs. It has been good times for banks too, especially in the last two years. Their profits have been […]

Staying Productive While Social Distancing

How do you stay productive when you are social distancing and when sales prospects are not in the office or are not returning your phone calls?  Do the tasks which get shoved aside when the phone is ringing and the emails are piling up. Look for new locations.  That’s what […]