Other News

Want to Help? How About One of our Own

Whether it is a Church, Community Outreach, Women’s Crisis Center or your local Salvation Army, charitable organizations struggle through recessions as much or maybe more than those of us in the for-profit world. Our industry does a terrific job of helping out in our communities.  Today, let us make you […]

Company of the Day: Great Falls Bench Ad

Company: Great Falls Bench Advertising Markets: Montana Address: 1720 10th Ave South, Suite 4-290, Great Falls, MT  59405 Email: sales@gfbenchad.com Phone: 406-580-8664 Great Falls Bench Advertising operates a network of 247 benches with advertising in downtown Great Falls, Montana.  The bench ads are $150/month. [wpforms id=”9787″] Paid Advertisement

Overpaid or Underpaid?

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”  William O. Douglas. Two tables below. The first table shows the 2019 stock performance of OUTFRONT (up 47%), Lamar (up 29%), the S&P 500 (up 29%) and Clear Channel Outdoor (down 43%). The second table shows the 2019 compensation of Lamar, OUTFRONT and Clear Channel […]

Inrix Reports Traffic Continues to Rebound

The Inrix US National Traffic Volume Synopsis shows traffic continues to rebound.  Here are some of the highlights for the week ended April 24. Nationwide travel improved to 59% of normal for the week ended April 24 versus 54% of normal for the week ended April 17. Long haul trucking […]

Shoutouts to Meadow, Do It Outdoors, Coastal

Meadow Outdoor is running ads on I-5 and I-84 in Oregon thanking truckers. Do It Outdoors is running a “Not All Heroes Wear Capes campaign to thanking essential local grocery and healthcare workers in York Pennsylvania. Coastal Outdoor’s Ashley Amoroso says: Coastal Outdoor is taking a different approach to the ubiquitous […]

Company of the Day – Green City Solutions

Company: Green City Solutions Markets: Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania Headquarters: 1050 Park Avenue, New York, NYU  10028 Phone: 646-582-6929 Email: info@greencitysolutions.com Green City Solutions, in partnership with Bigbelly Solar, operates a street advertising plant of solar recycling kiosks in Atlanta, Brooklyn, New York City and Philadelphia.  Robert Gheewalla and Geoffrey […]

Who Makes What At Outfront

  Outfront issued its 2020 proxy last week.  Some things to note. Who Makes What Here are the highest paid OUTFRONT executives.  Most of their compensation is stock and incentive pay. An Independent Board The OUTFRONT board is 86% outsiders.  Women account for 29% of board seats versus 25% of […]

RSG Acquires Arrington Assets

Personal injury lawyers are big users of billboards.  Last week the principals of the personal injury law firm Rainwater Holt & Sexton purchased an out of home plant to be able to advertise their firm’s services.  Their company RSG Signs purchased some Arkansas billboards owned by Arrington Outdoor.  SignValue acted […]

Marnie Christine Cody on Lease Language Which Provides Relief in a Pandemic

By Marnie Christine Cody, Attorney, Hamlin – Cody Thank you for sharing Jennifer Sloane’s article on force majeure.  She raises a lot of good points. Richard Hamlin and I have been representing parties in the out-of-home industry since 1985 and we have reviewed and drafted hundreds of sign leases. In […]

Clear Channel Outdoor Billboards Stress #OpenForBusiness

Clear Channel Outdoor has launched a new campaign in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis –  local businesses across the country have joined together in a campaign to help them remain open and offer essential products and services to the community – #OpenForBusiness. The initiative uses digital billboards throughout the […]