Other News

Company of the Day – Hughes Outdoor Media

Company: Hughes Outdoor Media Headquarters:  1495 Manakin Road, Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103 Markets: Virginia & North Carolina Phone: 804.784.0501 Email: steve@hughesoutdoor.com Hughes Outdoor Media was formed in 2002 by Steve Hughes. The company currently owns and operates over 100 outdoor displays in Virginia and North Carolina. Mr. Hughes grew up in the outdoor advertising […]

Allyson Baker and Ken Klein Update on Out of Home and the Paycheck Protection Program

The government’s fast-moving effort to deliver “Paycheck Protection” relief to small business has created confusion, even headaches. Billboard Insider invited Ken Klein of OAAA and Allyson Baker of the Venable law firm to answer questions and clear the air. Can I still apply?  Yes, but do so quickly.  The first […]

Rothfelder on IBOUSA Conference and Force Majeure Provisions

Covid 19 has unfortunately caused cancellation of the IBOUSA Spring conference in Louisville. Nevertheless, Chris Cowlbeck and his staff at IBOUSA have planned a remote alternative through a Zoom meeting, along with a smaller group attending personally in Ardmore, on May 20. As usual, there’s a great line up of […]

Dave Feldman Celebrates 50 Years with Park Outdoor

Congratulations to Dave Feldman who celebrates 50 years at Park Outdoor today.  He started in Park Communications finance department and was later brought to Park Outdoor Advertising by current owner Roy Park Jr. Dave is Park’s Chief Operating Officer and oversees day to day activities at Park Outdoor.  He’s also […]

“These kids have grown up under the influence of Lamar Outdoor Advertising”

NNY360 reports that parents have raised $2,245 to run billboards commemorating local high school grads.This quote by newspaper photographer Christopher Lenney who is also the parent of a high school graduate says it all. “I was like, ‘Man these kids have grown up under the influence of Lamar Outdoor Advertising […]

Daily Billboard Blog’s 3 of a Kind: Banksy

For this month’s edition of Daily Billboard’s ‘3 of a Kind’ we thought we’d share these outdoor ads that channel the dark, subversive humour of England-based street artist Banksy. Some view him as a genius and political activist, others as a vandal, but one thing’s for sure, his work has […]

Company of the Day: Hispanic Indoor Media, Inc.

Company: Hispanic Indoor Media, Inc Markets: Nationwide Coveage Address: New York Email: dean@hispanicindoor.com Phone: 1-716-572-3210 Address: Offices in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, San Antonio Email: dean@hispanicindoor.com Phone: 1-716-572-3210 Since 2002, Hispanic Indoor Media (HIM) has been a leading pioneer in “place based” media nationwide. The company’s media capabilities include both […]

Insider’s New Book is Available!

Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  is an important resource for anyone in the Out of Home industry. The 130 page Guide tells you: How to use an out of home attorney effectively 21 things in a good out of home lease 11 things in a good […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds May 16, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor “I bought my General Liability from Stu at Bassler and Co that I learned about on Billboard Insider.  I told […]