Other News

Black Lives Matter Billboard put up, taken down, put up.

Saunders Outdoor got unwelcome publicity for running a Black Lives matter billboard.  The company ran paid Black Lives Matter copy on 28 billboards, took it down after getting complaints and then thought better and reversed the reversal.  Saunders was the only local out of home company to run the ad. […]

Company of the Day: J&B Signs

Company: J&B Signs Market:  Illinois Headquarters: 105 West Chicago Ave, Chicago, IL  60654 Phone: 312-640-8181 Email: info@JandBsigns.com J&B signs operates a billboard plant around Chicago, Illinois.  The company was founded in 1981.  Bob Hoelterhoff is the company’s President.  Michael Hoelterhoff is project manager.   [wpforms id=”9787″] Paid Advertisement

Insider’s New Book is Available!

Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  is an important resource for anyone in the Out of Home industry. The 130 page Guide tells you: How to use an out of home attorney effectively 21 things in a good out of home lease 11 things in a good […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds June 6, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor “I bought my General Liability from Stu at Bassler and Co that I learned about on Billboard Insider.  I told […]

Link Outdoor Hires Rob Wamsley

Link Media Outdoor is pleased to announce that they have brought on Rob Wamsley as General Manager of the Wisconsin market. Rob comes to Link with a history of management, sales and marketing experience. Notably, Rob spent over 12 years with Outfront Media/CBS Outdoor as General Manager and Sales Director […]

Hamlin on Development Clauses

Richard Hamlin of the Hamlin Cody Law Firm comments on yesterday’s post on the perils of development clauses. By Richard Hamlin, rhamlin@hamlinlaw.com For the development clause, require objective evidence. That is, no take down without a permit for plans that show the board cannot remain. Even then, if the take […]

Plainview LED Expands Chattanooga Operations

Chattanooga, Tennessee-based PlainView LED is expanding operations with a new assembly plant. The 10,500-square foot facility was purchased March 24 of this year, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to rock Tennessee. PlainView LED staff members completed building renovations in just 45 days. “The ‘pause’ in the economy allowed us time […]

An ArtPop Update

You might remember our article on Wendy Hickey and ArtPop and their challenge on meeting their fund raising goals.  Wendy was nice enough to provide us with an update and we wanted to pass along her message.  I wanted to catch you up on our fundraising efforts since we last […]

Talon Outdoor Platform Offers Precision OOH Targeting for Companies in Regulated Categories

New York, NY – Talon Outdoor, a leading independent Out of Home (OOH) media specialist, today announced that Plato, its OOH planning and buying platform, has expanded to provide precision campaign planning for marketers operating in industries where advertising activities are regulated and controlled. Key regulated categories of focus for […]

Company of the Day: Insite Mediacom

Companies: Insite Mediacom Markets: Nationwide Headquarters: 150 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 3, Plantation, FL  33317 Phone: 888-867-2194 Insite Mediacom owns and operates over 1600 outdoor advertising faces in Georgia, South Carolina, West Virginia and Maryland.  Insite also operates a network of over 15,000 bus shelters, bench and bus wraps nationwide via […]