Other News

Readers Say Out of Home Benefits from Facebook Backlash

Our readers think that out of home will benefit from the ad backlash against facebook. “OOH should benefit as the medium is the message. The only content surrounding OOH is the environment . That can pose an issue if the copy is seen as inappropriate for where it is placed. […]

Geopath Releases Travel Report for Top 100 DMA’s

Geopath has released the average daily miles travelled report for the top 100 DMA’s dated 6/29/20.  Download the report and send you clients the chart for your DMA.  Here is the chart for the New York DMA.   [wpforms id=”9787″] Paid Advertisement

Company of the Day – Keyes Outdoor Advertising

Company: Keyes Outdoor Advertising Markets: Indiana Headquarters: P.O. Box 47281, Indianapolis, IN  46247 Phone: 317-442-8132 EMail:  jeff@keyesoutdoor.com Keyes Outdoor Advertising is a family-owned business, established in 1985 in the Indianapolis area. Keyes has operated continuously since arriving in Indiana. The Company operates both junior posters and traditional bulletins at over 50 locations in Indianapolis, […]

Will the Backlash Against Facebook Help Out of Home?

There is an advertiser backlash against facebook and instagram due to concern that the social media platforms are not doing enough to police misinformation and hate speech.  Last week Facebook announced that it would start labeling political speech but Facebook has resisted attempts to make it moderate ads.  Nearly 100 […]

Rothfelder On Tennessee’s Billboard Law Fix

As Billboard Insider reported in its June 25th edition, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law last week HB 2255, which is designed to fix the First Amendment challenges to Tennessee’s version of the Highway Beautification Act raised in the Thomas vs Bright case. Thomas secured rulings from the Federal […]

California Privacy Law Enforceable Against OOH Companies Effective July 1

Insider’s note: California’s privacy law is enforceable on July 1.  Insider asked the OAAA for an update and the OAAA provided this Q&A from an attorney who specializes in privacy.  Regulatory work like this is a reason why membership in the OAAA is a must for your out of home […]

Company of the Day: KEM Advertising

Company: KEM Advertising Markets: California, Nevada, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland. Headquarters: Kem Texas, Ltd.  4515 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, TX  78312. Phone: 210-737-3000 KEM Advertising is an independently owned outdoor advertising agency with headquarters in San Antonio, Texas.  The company has been in the […]

OAAA Congratulates Don Avjean on His Retirement

Don Avjean, VP of Government Affairs for OUTFRONT Media, plans to retire at the end of July after nearly 50 years in the industry. The OAAA created a Q&A with Don as well as video tribute which you can view below. Thanks Don for your years of service to the […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds June 27, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor “I bought my General Liability from Stu at Bassler and Co that I learned about on Billboard Insider.  I told […]