Other News

Company of the Day: Porter Outdoor

Company: Porter Outdoor Advertising, LLC Headquarters: Indiana Office – 12 N. 17th Street, Richmond IN 47374 Ohio Office – 1609 Edison Avenue, Hamilton OH 45011 Markets: Indiana & Ohio Phone:  Indiana 765.962.3220  Ohio 513.284.4575 Email: rpeterson@porteradvertising.com Porter Advertising is a family owned business serving Eastern Indiana and Western Ohio since 1945.    Richard Peterson […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds November 21, 2020

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

Where Can I Find Billboards for Sale?

Where can I find billboards for sale?  This is the third most viewed Billboard Insider post. The topic remains of interest to judge from the phone calls Insider receives.  Here’s a refresh of the ways to find billboards for sale. Do-it-yourself.  This means driving around or doing the internet research […]

Clear Channel Challenges New Rochelle Billboard Deadline

Clear Channel Outdoor says New Rochelle is illegally forcing it to remove billboards, threatening excessive fines and awarding its locations to a competitor in the culmination of a two-decade campaign against the advertising company. Back in 1996 the city banned billboards, but Universal Outdoor Holdings, a company that Clear Channel […]

Vistar/MFour Survey finds 88% of consumers like ads on out of home screens.

NEW YORK – November 19, 2020 – Vistar Media, MFour survey finds positive feelings also extend to perceptions of OOH ads, which are viewed as more trustworthy and relevant than ads on other platforms. More than half of U.S. consumers (58%) say they enjoy being outside these days, with 54% saying […]

Cooper and Lennon to Miroma

19th November 2020  Marc Boyan, founder and CEO of The Miroma Group, has made a swoop for two of IPG’s most senior executives to spearhead commercial and OOH operations at the company. Craig Lennon, IPG Mediabrands International Managing Director of Commercial Operations, has been appointed Miroma’s first Global Chief Commercial […]

Company of the Day: Picture This Outdoor

Company:  Picture This Advertising Markets:  Illinois Headquarters: 1 Brickyard Drive, Bloomington, IL 61701 Phone: 309-846-5788 Email: billboards@picturethisadvertising.com Picture This Advertising is a privately held company which operates four digital billboard structures and two static billboard structures in the Bloomington, Illinois market. Picture this is owned by Tentac Enterprises which also has […]

Bill May On Defending the Out of Home Industry

Today’s podcast guest is Bill May, the retired executive director of the Missouri Outdoor Advertising Association.  Bill tells how Missouri out of home advertising companies rallied to defeat a Scenic America anti-billboard initiative in 2000.  He also gives tips for effective political action.   What happened in 2000? The anti-billboard […]

Verizon Media and Out of Home

Verizon has been expanding into digital out of home.  In May the company joined the Digital Place Based Advertising Association.  In September Verizon partnered with Broadsign to allow Verizon advertisers to access Broadsign’s programmatic inventory.  Insider asked Verizon’s media team some questions about what the company is doing. How did […]