Other News

Billboard Insider Classifieds May 8, 2021

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

Goodman On Sign Development

AGE Advertising President Andy Goodman has 33 years experience developing and siting billboards.  Today he talks about the development process in California. The Development Process I look for a sign code that I can work with. If I know there is a workable code I start to identify the properties that […]

4 Questions for Tom Sirmon

Lamar’s Atlantic Regional Manager Robert Campbell and Gulf Coast Regional Manager Tom Sirmon are retiring this summer.  Last week Billboard Insider interviewed Campbell.  Today we talk to Sirmon. Tom, how did you end up at Lamar?  Answered an ad for a Sales Position in the local newspaper. You’ve progressed from […]

Wallace and Orsinger on Using Social Media to Market Billboards

Here’s some great advice from Southeastern Signs Robert Wallace and Mixed Media’s Denny Orsinger on using social media to market billboards. Robert Wallace, Southeastern Outdoor I can only talk to so many people per day on a phone. So I use social media to talk to the masses… not only […]

ARTIFEX to Takeover Times Square Billboards May 6

New York, May 5, 2021 – Artifex (www.artifex.art), a new digital art project celebrating pioneering creatives, today announced its “NYC NFT Takeover” scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 2021. A preview of art NFTs by 23 artists and curated by Artifex, will be displayed on OUTFRONT Media billboards in Times Square […]

Company of the Day: Wicks Outdoor

Company: Wicks Outdoor Advertising, Inc. Markets: Pennsylvania Headquarters: 769 Bloody Spring Rd, Bethel, PA 19507 Phone: 610-488-7588 Wicks Outdoor Advertising Inc. is an independent billboard company owned and operated by Lucas Wicks.  The company started when Lucas Wicks built two wooden billboards on his father’s dairy farm.   Wicks Outdoor has 33 billboard structures with […]

OUTFRONT Revenue Down 33% in 1Q 2021

OUTFRONT is recovering from COVID slower than Lamar.  Here are the results from OUTFRONT’s 1Q 21 earnings release, 1Q 21 earnings presentation and conference call. Revenue declined by 33% to $259 million during the first quarter of 2021.  US billboard revenue was down 17%.  US transit revenue was down 67%. […]

Would You Run This Copy?

A Calvert County sign is flying around twitter and social media.  Here’s a picture of the sign.  Twitter has censored the sign but it’s easy to see what the billboard says.   Insider’s take:  We think this sign goes too far.  Political discourse is great but name calling has no […]

Tennessee Outdoor Association Meeting May 10

By Tammy Phillips, CEO/Executive Director, Outdoor Advertising Association of Tennessee The OAAT is very excited to present an updated Agenda for our annual OAAT Meeting on May 10th. The meeting will be located at The Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, TN. Here is the speaker list. Kerry Yoakum from OAAA to […]

Lamar’s Teacher Appreciation Campaign Receives 2,500 Submissions

In April Billboard Insider wrote about Lamar’s Teacher Appreciation week campaign which is running this week.  The campaign allows anyone to submit a teacher to be honored by completing an online form.  Lamar has received over 2,500 submissions so far, and teachers will be displayed on more than 620 digital […]