Search Results for "rothfelder"

Rothfelder On The IBO Spring Conference In Houston

Howdy from Houston, where the IBO Spring Conference will be held on April 18 through 21! Yes, once again, Chris Cowlbeck, Becky Smith, and the entire crew at IBO have done a great job, this time in planning a fun and informative conference at the beautiful Omni Hotel in the […]

Rothfelder on Billboard Taxes

A Billboard Insider reader writes with the following question: “Would it be possible to find any case where a billboard real estate tax was based on earnings, but was overturned by a federal or state government?” The short answer is “no,” I’m not aware of any federal or state cases […]

Rothfelder on Government Improvements Obstructing the View of A Sign

A Billboard Insider reader asks: We installed a digital billboard.  The traffic travels east and west in front of the digital billboard on a freeway. Two buildings were constructed along the freeway.  The city required the building owners to plant a greenbelt of trees which will block our digital.   Is there […]

Rothfelder on Expiration and Renewal of Sign Permits

My partners Chris and Mike and I are often asked about the situation where a client secures a permit to erect new sign at a conforming site, but he doesn’t build the sign or otherwise finish the work before the permit expires. Then, when the client attempts to renew the […]

Rothfelder on Adams v Madison

In Appeals Court cites Reagan v Austin in Denying Adams Lawsuit Billboard Insider reported on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeal decision in Adams Outdoor vs City of Madison, holding that the permission afforded in the Madison Sign Code for digital on-premise signs while denied for off-premise was not content […]

Rothfelders 2023 OOH Legal Predictions

After the 2020 Year of Covid, followed by the Insurance at the Capital and Winter Storm Uri in 2021, 2022 turned out to be a pretty good year for the billboard industry, from a business and legal standpoint. For most of the year, operators and investors enjoyed robust acquisitions of […]

Rothfelder On Right Of First Refusal Clauses (again)

Billboard Insider published an article entitled “A Right of First Refusal Holds Up in Court” its December 14, 2022 edition. As the title suggests,  the article reported on the February 24, 2022 decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals in Adams Outdoor Advertising vs Todd Tarr, which upheld the enforcement […]

Rothfelder on Cannabis Regulation and Out of Home

Billboard Insider published an article in its November 29, 2022 edition on Cannabis and Out of Home-November 2022, including that this issue was on the ballot of several states in last month’s elections. I wrote a May 3, 2021 Billboard Insider article on Cannabis regulations and presented on the regulation […]

Rothfelder on Sandy Hook Families vs Alex Jones

Just when I thought the often heated debate and endless negative commercials for the midterm elections were finally over, my buddy practically ruined my recent golf game by asking during our round how the Alex Jones defamation verdicts over $1 Billion can be reconciled with the dismissal of Trump’s lawsuit […]

Rothfelder and Falick on Permit Disputes

At the fall 2022 IBO show, Chris Rothfelder and Mike Falick talked about strategies for out of home permit disputes.  We’ve asked them to expand their comments for our reader’s benefit. Lawsuits challenging permit denials are frequently thrown out on sovereign immunity grounds unless the legislature grants permission to sue. […]