Other News

Breaking News: Blackstone Media acquiring majority stake in New Tradition

Bloomberg reports that a Blackstone Media investment fund is buying a majority stake in New Tradition.  Some details. The transaction values New Tradition at $500-750 million. New Tradition CEO Evan Richheimer and COO Brett Richheimer will stay on to run the company. New Tradition has been expanding.  In April New […]

Billboard Insider Classifieds May 20, 2023

Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.”  Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager.  We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified”  Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]

Pat O’Donnell on Treating Landlords Well

Pat O’Donnell just retired as President of YESCO Outdoor Media after a 40 year career in out of home.  Today Pat talks about treating landlords well and the importance of good-looking structures. What have you learned about sign development? It’s changed.  In my day you spent a lot of windshield time.  You’d […]

Volatility in First Quarter 2023 Out of Home Revenue Performance

Yesterday, the OAAA announced that first quarter 2023 US out of home revenues were up 1%.  But there’s lots of variation in individual company out of home sales during the first quarter of 2023 to judge from a Billboard Insider’s readers poll.  We asked our readers how their out of […]

Who is Legion Partners – the Activist Calling for a Clear Channel Outdoor Sale

Billboard Insider answers your questions about Legion Partners, the 5% shareholder calling for a sale of Clear Channel Outdoor. Who is Legion Partners? Legion Partners is a  California investment fund with $334 million in assets under management.  The firm limits itself to 3-4 investments a year and 9-10 portfolio companies […]

OOH Leadership: Want a Strong Return? Invest Your Time Wisely

As a leader, are you effectively coaching your team? It’s intriguing to come across leaders who claim, “I have highly experienced individuals who know how to perform well. I prefer to stay out of their way. If I have to get heavily involved, then I need different people.” While this […]

Company of the Day: AllOver Media

Company:  Allover Media Markets:  Nationwide Headquarters: 16355 36th Ave North, Suite 700, Plymouth, MN  55446 Phone: 800-575-8762 Email: info@allovermedia.com Allover Media operates an Out of Home plant which includes convenience stores, gas stations, trucks, indoor advertising and door hangers. The company was started in 2002.  Jeff Griffing is CEO.  The company is a member […]

Reader Comments on the Call for Clear Channel Outdoor to Sell

Here’s a selection of Billboard Insider reader comments on Legion Partners call for Clear Channel Outdoor to sell. A finance exec says a sale is doable but faces some regulatory barriers. It would be very doable to sell the whole enchilada.  Market cap is currently around $516MM.  Put a 20% […]

US Out of Home Revenue Up 1% in First Quarter of 2023

May 18, 2023 (Washington, DC) – Out of home (OOH) advertising revenue increased one percent in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the previous year, accounting for $1.82 billion, based on figures released by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA). Despite economic headwinds, the quarter was […]

Fotofetch Shots of the Week

  In many ways, billboard advertising is old school. What’s so great about old school? It works! The same is true about the photos you get. Who are these photos for?   Simple as it is, it’s old school too, they are for customers and media buyers. Drones have come […]