Have a college age daughter? You should encourage her to apply for a Nancy Fletcher scholarship. Details below. Established in 2019, the Nancy Fletcher Leadership Scholarship recognizes and encourages aspiring female leaders with a connection to the out of home (OOH) industry. The scholarship honors the work of former […]
Other News
Company of the Day – American Outdoor Advertising
Company: American Outdoor Advertising Headquarters: 2801 E Camelback Road, Suite 470, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Markets: San Diego, Oakland, Las Vegas, and Northern Arizona Phone: 602.687.9220 Email: sales@americanoutdoor.net American Outdoor Advertising is an outdoor advertising company serving the markets of Oakland, Las Vegas, and Northern Arizona. They offer high profile digital billboards […]
12 Ways to Get a Client or Prospect to Meet Face-to-Face
Thanks to Kevin Gleason (CEO of Adams Outdoor) for his insights a couple weeks ago in BI about the importance of meeting out of home clients for face-to-face. They assure you will sell more OOH faster and get your increased share of the ad sales pie. You get far more […]
Outdoorlink Appoints Tasha Mayes Head of Sales
Tasha Mayes has been appointed sales manager at Outdoorlink. Billboard Insider interviewed her about her new role and what’s new at the company. Tell us about your new position as Sale Manager. When Outdoorlink and I found each other last year, they were primarily looking for somebody to manage their […]
Rate This Ad with Greg Callaham
Rate This Ad allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is […]
Company of the Day: Aloft Media
Company: Aloft Media Markets: South Carolina Address: South Carolina Phone: 704-578-1140 Email: edmccoy@aloftmediasolutions.com Aloft Media was formed to develop billboards in South Carolina. The company owns a two sided 10.5′ by 36′ digital billboard in Summerville, South Carolina. Ed McCoy III is the company’s principal. To receive a free morning […]
Breaking News: Blackstone Media acquiring majority stake in New Tradition
Bloomberg reports that a Blackstone Media investment fund is buying a majority stake in New Tradition. Some details. The transaction values New Tradition at $500-750 million. New Tradition CEO Evan Richheimer and COO Brett Richheimer will stay on to run the company. New Tradition has been expanding. In April New […]
Billboard Insider Classifieds May 20, 2023
Billboard Insider Classifieds work: “We got a big boost in qualified applicants from running our ad on your site.” Rodney Davis, Transformation Media “Thanks to you and your website I’ve hired a General Manager. We received several qualified applicants in response to our Billboard Insider classified” Justin Powell, Owner, Huntington Outdoor […]
Pat O’Donnell on Treating Landlords Well
Pat O’Donnell just retired as President of YESCO Outdoor Media after a 40 year career in out of home. Today Pat talks about treating landlords well and the importance of good-looking structures. What have you learned about sign development? It’s changed. In my day you spent a lot of windshield time. You’d […]
Volatility in First Quarter 2023 Out of Home Revenue Performance
Yesterday, the OAAA announced that first quarter 2023 US out of home revenues were up 1%. But there’s lots of variation in individual company out of home sales during the first quarter of 2023 to judge from a Billboard Insider’s readers poll. We asked our readers how their out of […]