Search Results for "rothfelder"

Rothfelder on Repair of Damaged Signs

I met Jim Moravec of Stott Outdoor Advertising at the OAAA Legal Seminar last month. As reported in the November 14th edition of Billboard Insider, the homes of several employees of Stott were destroyed by the devastating fires across California, specifically the Camp Fire near the City of Paradise. Now […]

Richard Rothfelder On The OAAA Legal Seminar

I attended, for about the 15th time in a row, the bi-annual OAAA Legal Seminar on November 13 and 14. This year the seminar was held at the Westin New York Times Square, and as usual, it was well attended by billboard attorneys and principals from across the country. And, […]

Rothfelder on Political Advertising

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick With the 2018 Midterm Elections less than a month away, I have received numerous questions from my corporate and individually owned billboard clients regarding political advertising on their billboards: What can be advertised for state and federal elections? What rules apply and how do […]

Rothfelder on Vaping Billboard Ads

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick At last week’s IBOUSA conference in Columbus, I presented a power point on “Objectionable or Defamatory Messages Displayed on Billboards: What the Operator Can Refuse to Display, and How He Can Protect Himself.”   In general, I reported that the operator of a privately owned […]

Rothfelder on Defamatory Ads

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder and Falick. Insider sent me a couple articles about lawsuits brought against advertisers who had displayed defamatory or misappropriated advertisements on billboards. In a New Hampshire case, the owner of a mortgage company who used electronic billboards (as well as the radio, television, and internet) to […]

Rothfelder on “Art vs. Sign”

By now, most of us have read in Billboard Insider and other publications about the US Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Reed vs Town of Gilbert, basically holding that regulatory distinctions based on the content of messages displayed on signs violate the First Amendment. But, what about the more fundamental […]

Rothfelder answers another easement question.

Insider received a followup question in response to Richard Rothfelder’s article on taxes, foreclosures and billboard easements. Mr Rothfelder agrees with the investor that he should create the easement, sell the property and pay of the taxes. What happens when the new property owner does not pay the taxes and […]

Rothfelder on taxes, foreclosures and billboard easements.

Insider received a call from an investor with the following question: I bought a piece of property at a distressed sale.  There’s a billboard on the property which is leased to an out of home company.  There are back taxes due on the property.  I want to create an easement […]

Rothfelder on a Successful Takings Case

You may have redress if a city misinterprets sign rules to get you to take down a sign.  Richard Rothfelder of Rothfelder and Falick talks here about City of Houston v. De Trapani, a successful takings case he litigated against the city of Houston. Introduction The City of Houston (the […]

Rothfelder on Unilateral Lease Renewal Provisions

Last week Insider discussed automatic renewal clauses in billboard leases.  Insider asked billboard attorney Richard Rothfelder of Rothfelder & Falick to review the legal issues associated with automatic renewal clauses.  Rothfelder handled several cases involving unilateral and perpetual lease provisions. Introduction If a lease grants the Lessee the unilateral power […]