Millennials And Ad Blocking Software

iphone-410311__180A recent article in eMarketer provides some insight into on-line attitudes of millennials (US ages ages 18-24).

Anatomy Media, a creative advertising agency specializing in entertainment marketing, surveyed 2,700 US adults ages 18 to 24. Overall, the study found that:

  • Most US millennial internet users have an ad blocker on at least one device.
  • Nearly half of respondents (46%) said they use one on their desktop.
  • 31% said they have one ad blocker on their mobile device.
  • Typically, respondents blocked ads on just one of these devices, but 14% were vigilant about ad blocking on computers as well as phones.

Though about a third of respondents said they don’t use an ad blocker, that should be changing. Ad blocking is expected to grow by double digits in 2016, as well as next year. In 2016, 69.8 million Americans will use an ad blocker, a jump of 34.4% over last year. By 2017, that figure will grow another 24.0% to 86.6 million people.

Compare this data with our post from April where data from a YouGov profile suggested  around one in two people both notice billboards at the side of the road and agree that billboards showing dynamic content, such as breaking news, capture their attention. Young people in particular showed interest in the next generation of billboards. For example, when asked if they’ve ever seen an interactive billboard that can connect with their phone, 33% of those under 30 say that they have — more than any other age group.

Compelling evidence that digital is a strong format to capture millennials as compared to on-line ads.

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