GenLogs: Billboard Partnerships Lead to Efficiency in the Transportation Industry


Insider’s Note: We ran into a very excited Blake Balch, of GenLogs, at the IBO Conference last week. We suggested and he provides this update on what they can do with the cooperation of the OOH industry.

Blake Balch, co-Founder, GenLogs

As has previously been reported in Billboard Insider, GenLogs is pioneering the use of roadside sensors to gather vital data for the transportation industry, specifically targeting commercial trucking patterns across the United States. Their efforts have been largely supported by partnerships with independent Out-Of-Home (OOH) operators, including many Billboard Insider readers who reached out to GenLogs after seeing BI articles. By leveraging these partnerships, GenLogs has not only created a new revenue stream for many billboard owners, but they have also provided invaluable insights to stakeholders in the transportation sector.

Thanks to the support of OOH operators, US freight carriers — and the US supply chain writ large — has experienced significant successes recently. GenLogs has been able to deploy sensors across a network of partner billboards and is seeing encouraging results. This has enabled GenLogs to go to market with clients in the transportation industry, where they are helping carriers optimize their operations and reduce inefficiencies. With the traction they’re gaining, they see big things on the horizon for GenLogs and their growing network of partners.

One of their standout moments came when they helped law enforcement identify a serial cargo thief who had been traveling the country stealing copper. Just weeks after installing a sensor on a Billboard Insider reader’s sign in Georgia, GenLogs’ sensors captured the truck’s activity, allowing them to pass the information to law enforcement and assist in the ongoing investigation. GenLogs is actively working with the Texas Department of Public Safety and multiple law enforcement entities in California who are using GenLogs data to help combat freight fraud and theft along critical freight corridors.

Another win came after installing sensors on a partner’s billboards in Oklahoma last month. Within a few weeks, GenLogs’ technology identified several “lost trailers” for two of the top 25 trucking companies in the U.S. These trailers, which had either been stolen or mismanaged, represented a significant inefficiency for the carriers involved. By locating and recovering these trailers, GenLogs helped reduce unnecessary costs and enhanced the overall efficiency of the supply chain. This also benefits consumers by ultimately reducing costs that can lead to price increases.

GenLogs co-founder Blake Balch noted recently that GenLogs would not be where they are now without the help from Billboard Insider and its readers, and they are excited to continue their work with OOH partners and further expand their sensor network. Balch said “We’re committed to leveraging roadside advertising to help build a powerful tool for focused and responsible data collection and insight generation, creating new possibilities for billboard operators and delivering actionable data to the transportation industry.”

If you’re interested in learning more or exploring a partnership with GenLogs, reach out to GenLogs’ Chief of Partnerships, Blake Balch, at


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