Daily Billboards 3 of a kind – Statue of Liberty

Last month Daily Billboard Blog shined a spotlight on L.A.’s iconic Hollywood Sign, but this month I thought I’d take a look at three treatments featuring another national monument, New York’s Statue of Liberty.

A gift to America from France, this giant symbol of enlightenment has been a towering beacon of freedom, acceptance and liberty, welcoming immigrants and tourists from around the world for decades.

Lady Liberty has also become a star in her own right in many an outdoor ad campaign, as these three billboard examples illustrate.

Proving she’s a good sport, first up is this inventive and fun 3D billboard embellishment along the Sunset Strip to help launch the fundraising Red Nose Day event to the U.S. back in May 2015. People can help fight poverty by buying and wearing a red nose, with proceeds going to charity, so who better to help welcome the initiative to America’s shores than the iconic lady.

The second parody example was photographed along the Sunset Strip in June 2011 for the eighth season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, which sees Larry David hilariously transformed in the robe-wearing torch-wielder, certain to turn the heads of passersby.

And the third example is from around the streets of L.A. in August 2016 and sees a not-so friendly Statue of Liberty with slightly vampiric tendencies, making a big impression and certain to get tongues wagging for the third season of FX’s horror series, The Strain.

Be sure to check out even more Statue of Liberty ad creatives at the Daily Billboard Blog and come back next month for some fun special extension cut-outs which all share the same approach.

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  1. I believe that is Larry David, Not Larry King. 🙂

  2. billboardinsider

    Sharp eyes Alan. Thanks and we’ve corrected the article.