The Toronto Council has agreed to amend the sign bylaw to allow an electronic billboard in the Leaside neighborhood. An article in reports the City council has approved a giant electronic billboard in Leaside that was opposed by staff and is the subject of a complaint to the integrity commissioner. One […]
Myron Laible on State and Local Outdoor Regulations
Myron Laible is Vice President, State, Local and Regulatory Affairs for OAAA. He has been with OAAA for 30 years. He is also an officer for the Foundation for Outdoor Advertising Research and Education. Laible was elected to the OAAA Hall of Fame in 2007, an honor given every two […]
When Your Regulator Wants to Compete With You
Key states are exploring plans to allow commercial advertising on highway rights of way. There is a Texas proposal for example which would sell to corporate sponsors one third of the space on public traffic signs, like the picture on the right. California’s Legislature recently debated a bill to allow commercial […]
Liberty Outdoor on Billboard Permitting
In June 2016 Cary, IL denied Liberty Outdoor a permit for a digital billboard but approved the company’s revised plans for a two double-sided 72 foot square monument billboards. The decision was a partial victory for Liberty because the signs which were involved had been scheduled to be removed. Insider […]
J. Allen Smith on Billboard Condemnation
J. Allen Smith is a eminent domain and condemnation expert at Settlepou, a Dallas law firm. In June 2016 Smith and Paul Wright gave a presentation on billboard appraisal methodologies and case law at the International Right of Way Association Conference. Insider interviewed Smith this week about billboard condemnation and […]
Sussex County Sign Meeting scheduled for July 11
Coastal Point reports that The Sussex County Council will hold a special meeting Monday July 11 at 10am to discuss an ordinance to amend the county sign code. The County is attempting to pass legislation before a sign application moratorium expires on August 15. The county’s planning department proposed sign […]
Bill would allow more billboards in downtown LA.
ABC7 reports that Assemblyman Miguel Santiago has introduced a bill in the City Assembly to open the door for more signs in Los Angeles. The signs would be permitted in an area running a few blocks east of the 110 freeway and west of Figueroa Street stretching from the 10 […]
Australian Research Builds The Case: Digital Billboards Not Distracting
By Ken Klein, Executive Vice President, OAAA. Eye-tracking research in Australia validates US research that shows digital billboards are not distracting to drivers. The out of home (OOH) industry in Australia (Outdoor Media Association, OMA, based in Sydney) has translated this new research into an easy-to-understand video presentation. Key […]
Reno Can Amend Limit On Billboards
Nevada Appeal reports the Nevada Supreme Court last week ruled the Reno City Council had the right to amend the 2000 voter approved limit on the number of new billboards in town. The voter initiative was pushed by the group Scenic Nevada and was approved by a wide margin of […]
Washington, MO Reviewing new sign code.
Emissourian reports that the Washington city council will review changes to the city’s sign code at a July 5th meeting. The proposed sign code will require a one minute limit between digital sign flips. The code also prohibits backlit signs in historic districts and updates off-premise sign language to […]