Gov. Jerry Brown signed off on a new law last week that could allow more digital signs in downtown Los Angeles. As Insider reported on September 5th AB1373 would require billboards to conform to whatever sign ordinance the City Council passes. The new bill allows developers to potentially erect several giant electronic billboards around […]
Southborough Digital Appeal Prevails
Insider reported last week about Lamar appealing a written decision by the Southborough Building Commissioner who required the Company get a report from the Planning Board before even submitting its application for a use-variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Lamar had filed an appeal on the decision. Wicked Local […]
Sussex Cty Planning Commission Recommends Sign Code Changes
Coastalpoint reports that the Sussex County Planning commissions has recommended changes to a proposed sign ordinance. The Commissioners voted 3-0 to recommend the following changed to a proposed sign ordinance: The elimination of a prohibition against animation except for continuous scrolling, live action, streaming video or flashing messages. The ability […]
Southborough Slowing Permits
Lamar Central Outdoor LLC is frustrated with Southborough MA officials for slowing down the approval process to get a variance to build a digital billboard. Lamar is appealing a written decision by the Southborough Building Commissioner who is requiring the Company get a report from the Planning Board before even submitting its […]
OSHA Accident Reporting
Noone wants to have employees hurt on the job. But if something happens you don’t want to make matters worse by failing to report an accident to OSHA. In March 2015 OSHA changed reporting rules. Failure to report an accident in a timely manner could result in a $12,471 […]
The Texas Highway Beautification Court Decision and Its Aftermath
On August 26, 2016, the Texas Appeals Court for the Third District in Austin voided the two sections of the Texas Highway Beautification Act (“HBA”) addressing permits, licenses, enforcement, and regulation on the ground that the Act violated the First Amendment’s protection of Free Speech after the US Supreme Court’s […]
Nevada Supreme Court Rejects Scenic’s Plea
For the third time this month, a court has ruled in favor of digital billboards. The Nevada Supreme Court, on September 16, denied Scenic Nevada’s request for a rehearing, effectively ending a long-running legal battle against digital billboards in Reno. Geoff Dornan of Nevada explains the Reno ordinance fight: “The ordinance […]
Why Industry Political Involvement is Important
Reprint of a OAAA Thought Leadership Piece By Ken Klein, EVP – Government Affairs, OAAA. The election will produce a new Congress, with new leaders and new members on key committees. Elections remind us of the last clause in the First Amendment — perhaps overshadowed by its protection of free […]
FHWA Letter on Commercializing the highway right of way.
Insider opposes proposals in California and Texas to sell commercial advertising on highway rights of way: It threatens highway funding. The federal government prohibits advertising on federal rights of ways. Any State which runs advertising on public safety signs must obtain federal signoff or face loss of federal highway funds. […]
Stonington, CT to review Zoning Code
The Westerly Sun reports that the town of Stonington, CT is doing a comprehensive review of the town’s 50 year old 250 page zoning code. One of the issues which will be addressed is whether to allow digital signs. A group of fuel dealers in town are unhappy because they’ve […]