
R.O. Naegele Sr’s Advice on Dealing with Landlords

  John Bodger, OUTFRONT’s Twin Cities Real Estate Manager for 33 years, retired last week after a 42 year out of home career.  Bodger built over 500 static billboards and 32 digital billboards during his career.  This week Bodger talks about getting into the out of home business, R.O. Naegele […]

Goodman on Lease Terminations and Keeping Your Options Open

Today site development expert Andy Goodman talks about how to approach a lease termination and how to keep options open when you’re worried a landlord won’t extend your out of home lease. Terminations If there’s negotiations going on at the end of the lease and we’re trying to work through […]

Andy Goodman on lease terms, railroad leases and mom and pop leases.

Today, site development expert Andy Goodman answers questions on lease terms, railroad leases and mom and pop leases. What sort of billboard lease term makes sense? That really comes down to are you building a digital sign or a static sign?  On a static sign we typically ask for 10 […]

Rothfelder On How To Influence A Sign Code Amendment

Billboard Insider recently reported on how four operators joined forces to impact the January 6th amendment to the Clovis, New Mexico Sign Code. These operators, namely Lindmark, Choice Media, Fluhman Media, and Clovis Sign & Service, lead a grass roots efforts with the local business community, which along with some […]

Four Operators Join Forces To Impact An Ordinance

In 2019, the City of Clovis New Mexico proposed a new sign ordinance which would have significantly impacted several Out of Home operators’ ability to conduct business in the city.  Proposed changes to the new ordinance included unconstitutional takings, retroactive legislation, content-based free speech violations as well as compelling immediate […]

Jim Poage On Minimizing OSHA Record Keeping Fines

Poor record keeping is one of the top OSHA citations each year .  Billboard Insider talked with Formetco’s Safety Director Jim Poage to learn what record keeping requirements OSHA expects from out of home companies. What is the OSHA requirement for record keeping? Employers are required to keep accident, illness, […]

Two Billboard Company Misconceptions About Landlords

Last week out of home site development expert Andy Goodman discussed 4 misconceptions landowners have about out of home companies.  Today he talks about two misconceptions out of home companies have about landlords. What misconceptions do out of home companies have about landlords? That if you give them too much […]

A Lease By Any Other Name is Still a Lease…

A lease by any other name is still a lease.  That’s the lesson of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Co vs the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  Here are the facts. In 1979 and 1981, Diana and Lucille Bow, two members of the Calliente Band of the Cahuilla Indians entered into two “operating […]

Four Misconceptions Landowners Have About Out of Home Companies

Today out of home development expert Andy Goodman talks about 4 misconceptions landowners have about out of home. I’m not getting a fair share of revenues Landowners ask me “How can I avoid having the billboard company package my billboard with a number of other properties and not give me […]