
East Lansing and Adams Settle Lawsuit

Last week the East Lansing City council approved an Amended Settlement and Release Agreement with Adams Outdoor to resolve several matters relating to  three Adams lawsuits over digital billboards.  The lawsuits were settled in 2019 but the amended settlement agreement addressed open items.    The amended settlement includes: One 14′ […]

2022 OAAA Legal Seminar November 15-16, 2022

  2022 OAAA Legal Seminar – Save the Date Plan on attending the OAAA Legal Seminar on Tuesday, November 15 – Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at the Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, 1250 South Hayes Street, Arlington, VA. Registration Fees: $550/person (received on or before Friday, September 30, 2022) $675/person (received beginning […]

The Lease Decides

What happens when your landlord decides they want to get into your business, voids your permit, refuses to accept lease payments and builds their own billboard  The lease decides.  That’s the lesson of Frierson v Delta Outdoor.  Here are the facts. On January 22 1998 Ethel Frierson agreed to lease […]

Andy Goodman – When a Billboard May Be a Landlord’s Property

By Andy Goodman, Age Advertising A good billboard lease should state clearly that a billboard and all upgrades are the property of the billboard company and may be removed at any time at termination or expiration of the lease.  Things become complicated, however, when you have a rooftop build or […]

Supreme Court Refuses to Take Up Billboard Tax Cases

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court denied requests to review either the Baltimore or Cincinnati billboard tax cases. Billboard Insider’s take:  Ohio billboard companies win because an Ohio state supreme court decision to invalidate a selective billboard tax is upheld. Maryland billboard companies lose because the Maryland court of appeals (highest […]

When a Landlord Says They Own a Billboard…

Today out of home development expert Andy Goodman talks about how to deal with a landlord who says they own a billboard. What to do when a landlord says they own a billboard There are a few possible situations when talking to property owners who say they own or want […]

City of Austin v Reagan: What It Means, and What’s Next

By Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder & Falick By now, most know the facts: On April 21, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6 to 3 decision reversed the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision in City of Austin vs Reagan National Advertising, which held the Austin Sign Code violative of […]

Jennifer Sloane on Austin v Reed and a Takeaway For Owner/Operators

By Jennifer Sloane, Esq.  Sloane Law Office Unfortunately, the Supreme Court in Austin failed to adopt the “read the sign” rule outlined by the Court of Appeals, citing that such a rule was too extreme an interpretation of the Court’s precedent.  The Court found a distinction between the sign codes in […]

Supreme Court Upholds On/Off Premise Distinction in Austin v Reagan

As anticipated, the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Reagan v Austin. Insider has initial comments below on the ruling and you can expect more as we all get a chance to research the opinion in more detail. From Richard Rothfelder, Rothfelder & Falick, LLP: In a 6 to 3 […]