Digital Signs

Doug Robertson On How Fliphound Can Sell Your Digital Sign Inventory.

Douglas Robertson is the CEO and one of the owners of Atomic Billboards ( which operates the largest digital bulletin billboard network in Wichita, Kansas.  In addition, Douglas is one of the founders of Fliphound ( the first automated buying platform for the out-of-home industry.  Insider interviewed Robertson recently about Fliphound and how it […]

Technavio On The Global Ad Display Market

The British research and advisory company Technavio has issues a new report on the global advertising displays market.  The research is a little pricey for Insider’s tastes with a cost of $2,000 but Insider learned a fre things from reading the executive summary: The global ad displays market is vibrant […]

The Billboard is watching you.

Adlandtv has a somewhat skeptical piece on Clear Channel Outdoor America’s Radar project.  There are some quotes by privacy guardians and the piece ends with a video clip of Tom Cruise in Minority Report being constantly badgered by smart data holographs and ads. Insider’s college kids don’t seem too concerned […]