Samsung has been quiet following its March 2015 acquisition of Yesco. Insider’s found a 90 second video on Samsung’s approach to LED signage but not much else. A Business Wire announcement on Samsung’s appearance at the upcoming Digital Signage Expo highlights the following Samsung initiatives: smart signage for the fast […]
Digital Signs
Britt McConnell on Why Digital Signs Use Less Power Than You Might Think
Digital billboards use less power than you might think says Britt McConnell, the Southeast/North Central Sales manager for Formetco. Insider asked Britt to talk about digital sign power use. You can reach Britt at, 678-951-1118. Here’s a link to a Linkedin article Britt has published on digital sign power […]
Daktronics At A Glance
Insider dodged blizzards to visit South Dakota to tour Daktronics manufacturing facilities and meet marketing, sales and manufacturing executives. During the visit Insider interviewed Jeremy Johnson, Daktronics Global Out Of Home Solutions Manager about the digital billboard business. Here’s what Insider learned. Company: Daktronics Products: Advertising displays, including digital billboards, […]
Todd Heller On Digital Billboard Purchase FAQ’s
Todd Heller is an expert on digital signs. He’s VP of Digital Products at Formetco with over 30 years experience in the outdoor business. Insider caught up with Todd after Todd’s recent trip to China to review some frequently asked questions on digital billboard purchases. You can reach Todd at […]
An update on T-Rex Digital Sign Litigation
Who is T-Rex? T-Rex Property AB was founded in 2003 by Mats Hylin, Mats Dahlgren and Fredrik Persson. The company acquired 12 patents for outdoor advertising products.T-Rex Property AB has been suing outdoor companies who use a computer to control digital signs. T-Rex owns US Patent Number RE39,470 titled Digital […]
Doug Robertson On How Fliphound Can Sell Your Digital Sign Inventory.
Douglas Robertson is the CEO and one of the owners of Atomic Billboards ( which operates the largest digital bulletin billboard network in Wichita, Kansas. In addition, Douglas is one of the founders of Fliphound ( the first automated buying platform for the out-of-home industry. Insider interviewed Robertson recently about Fliphound and how it […]
Technavio On The Global Ad Display Market
The British research and advisory company Technavio has issues a new report on the global advertising displays market. The research is a little pricey for Insider’s tastes with a cost of $2,000 but Insider learned a fre things from reading the executive summary: The global ad displays market is vibrant […]
The Billboard is watching you.
Adlandtv has a somewhat skeptical piece on Clear Channel Outdoor America’s Radar project. There are some quotes by privacy guardians and the piece ends with a video clip of Tom Cruise in Minority Report being constantly badgered by smart data holographs and ads. Insider’s college kids don’t seem too concerned […]