
Billboard Designers Say No To QR Codes and Billboards

Insider posted yesterday on QR codes and billboards.  Insider thinks QR codes should be used sparingly because they distract drivers.     Insider asked billboard design experts Greg Callaham and Melody Roberts what they think. Greg Callaham is an award-winning graphic designer who has designed over 10,000 billboards in a 30 […]

Should you put a QR code on a billboard?

Lots of companies are putting QR codes on billboards.  See the Durden Outdoor ad on the right.  A QR code is a barcode which contains a URL.  Scan the barcode with your phone and you’ll be taken to a website page.  The QR code on the right was placed on […]

Baseball Season is Here!

For you baseball fans, the Kansa City Royals have been very creative in their use of Billboard advertising to remind us of the upcoming season.  Their latest, shown below, is an example of a simple but effective way to promote the new season with a 3D image of a ballplayer […]

Outdoor is a great vehicle for luxury brands.

Insider is aware that out-of-home is a great vehicle for luxury brands.   His best performing billboard has been anchored for years by a jeweler which promotes expensive watch and jewelry brands on the board. has a post titled “How outdoor advertising works for the luxury market.”  The post […]

Art Lives Billboard Campaign

If you were to drive down Sunset Boulevard in the Silver Lake area you would see this billboard, a collaboration between Lamar Advertising,  RAREFORM and artist Tyler Ramsey.  This is the second installment in Lamar’s Art Lives Billboard Campaign originally announced in October 2015. Insiders Take:  Always a positive to show the […]

Snapchat billboard ads use hyper-local geo-filters.

Business Insider reports that Snapchat has been running logo-less billboards across the United States which celebrate local neighborhoods (e.g. Palm Springs, the Meatpacking District and Soho in New York, Lincoln Park in Chicago,  Mission and Fisherman’s Warf in San Franscisco).  The billboards use geofilters – location based graphics that Snapchat […]

Art Goes On Billboards in Hannibal reports that Lamar and Independent’s Service Company are collaborating with the Hannibal Arts council to put art from local artists on billboards in Hannibal.  2 artists have had their work installed on Highway 61 in Hannibal.  Another 3 artists will be shown in the future. Insider’s take: Joint ventures […]

Tunney Art Hits NYC Billboards To Celebrate Landmarks

The NYC Landmarks 50 Alliance and OUTFRONT Media are working with artist Peter Tunney to run a billboard art series highlighting New York City landmarks. You can read a mediavillage post about the project from OUTFRONT Media’s Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning & Development, Andy Sriubas here. Insider talked […]

Oregon Tourism Campaign To Include Billboards

Oregon may not be the easiest place to put up billboards for the state loves billboards when it’s time to promote tourism.  The Oregon Tourism Travel Commission is using billboards to execute a new “We Like it Here.  You Might Too.” travel campaign.  The campaign includes TV, cinema and outdoor […]

Melody Roberts: Using Creative as a Sales Tool

Melody Roberts is an award winning Creative Director who has been designing outdoor billboard advertising since 1999. In October 2015, Melody launched Out of Home Creative (, an outdoor advertising design firm which designs traditional billboards and digital campaigns, transit shelters and any new non-traditional media as well as provides […]