I wanted to catch you up on our fundraising efforts since we last connected.
For our home based Charlotte program, all funding we needed to cover 2020 expenses has been raised. The majority of this came through United Way of Central Carolinas along with Foundation for the Carolinas.
PPP and individual donors also made a great impact.
We are so grateful and hopeful for our future. We are now working hard to be sure our program can continue in 2021 and beyond.
On June 1 we started this https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/save-2021-artpopclt once this $70,000 is raised we will open our call in the fall for our 8th year in the 12 county greater Charlotte, NC/SC region. I am feeling hopeful we can do this.
How can the OOH industry help? If 7,000 of our #ooh friends, family and colleagues could support with just $10, we can promote 20 additional artists in 2021 in CLT.
Me and our 10 member board are working on building a sustainable future. We do not know what 2021 will look like yet, but we are working hard in the lives of local artists and hope for a big comeback.
Yours in service,
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