Atlanta Aquarium’s 18 Foot Tall Penguin

On yesterday’s Billboard Insider podcast we asked Reeves Shaw Media President TG Shaw what out of home sale he’s proudest of  and he talked about a sale he made early in his career when he was with Lamar Advertising.

What’s the out of home sale you’re proudest of?

A campaign that I worked on with Patti Reeves prior to joining Reeves media.  I was with Lamar in Atlanta and at the time we had just acquired the old water tower from an independent vendor that Patti had worked with…the current advertiser was not renewing.  So we were tasked with finding a new advertiser for this very unique display.

With great teamwork between Patti and my self and with Lauren Linsey who was with Billups at the time we were able to secure Georgia aquarium to a three year contract on that unique display…We also worked with them with putting up a huge 18 foot tall 3D penguin on top of the tower…I was instrumental in getting that produced through out 3D team at Lamar Graphics.  I’d love to give them a shoutout.  They did a really great job on that and it was a great campaign.  It stayed up there for 3 years.  The penguin’s name was George…it was about 6-7 months of work.

What was the penguin made of?

Lamar graphics fabricated it.  It was actually a foam interior with a hard coat.

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