Pequot Lakes Revisited

As a follow up to our Insider post last week, the Brainerd Dispatch points out some additional detail on the Pequot Lakes Minnesota town council sign ordinance approvals from earlier this month.

Along with the council’s decision to permit billboards along the new Highway 371 to encourage people to stop and visit local businesses.  The council:

  • Rezoned two tracts (58.2 acres) of city-owned land along the highway from public to light industrial. Off-site signs are only allowed on commercial and light industrial properties, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
  • Approved an ordinance amendment that establishes an off-site sign overlay district on those two tracts of city-owned property. The overlay district would sit on top of properties in commercial and light industrial zones for billboards to be allowed there.

The new sign ordinance amendment dictates that billboards be 2,000 feet apart, so two billboards could fit on the rezoned city land.

Insiders’ take –   Heading into the discussion on permitting digital signs, both the city council and planning commission indicated they didn’t want an abundance of billboards along the highway.  There may not end up being  a lot of billboards, but they made sure that two of them could be on city owned land and provide an opportunity to add needed income to the operating budget of a town of 2,200.


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