It’s time for New Years resolutions and here are five New Years resolutions which will improve your out of home company in 2023.
Install a digital billboard face.
Billboard Insider is surprised at how many out of home companies there are which don’t have any digital faces. Most out of home companies get a 4 times revenue improvement and a return on capital in excess of 20% on each digital billboard face. Read Grey Vick on Small Market Digital Billboards or Stephen Johnson on Building Your First Digital Billboard or The Wisdom of John Arnold on Digital Billboards. Your Daktronics, Formetco, Media Resources or Watchfire sales rep would be happy to help.
Add an automated sales platform to your digital sign network.
If you have digitals, then add one of the automated sales platforms – Adomni, Adquick, Blip or OneScreen.ai to your sales network. Circle City Outdoor increased revenue by 10% after installing Blip on a digital billboard in a small market in Texas. YESCO got a 25% revenue lift using Blip.
Upgrade your sign pictures and marketing materials
How old are your ride sheets and sign pictures? Signbird can help with pictures and video and marketing materials. Fotofetch can help with pictures.
Retrofit your old lights with high efficiency LED’s and install smartlink.
You can get a 35-40% return on capital by replacing old static billboard lights with new energy efficient LED’s. The Smartlink control system allows you to remotely monitor and manage your lights. Contact your Formetco rep or Brian Kline at Reliable Electric for lights. Smartlink’s crews can help with the light installs.
Automate your plant
It’s OK to operate your plant on a spreadsheet when you’re getting started but once you hit 50-60 faces you ought to switch to software to managed your plant. Talk to Mike Donaldson at Billboard Planet or Crystal Dhir at Siroky Group or visit Apparatix.com for help.
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