Tedder Outdoor in North Carolina has posted a billboard showing a picture of a helicopter evacuating Kabul together with a picture of President Biden eating an ice cream cone. People originally thought this was a billboard hack but the billboard is for real according to the sign’s owner. Would you accept this copy? The politics of Billboard Insider’s publishers are center-right but we wouldn’t run this ad. It implies Biden’s reaction to the Afghan evacuation is what-me-worry to joyous. No evidence, no facts and no identification of who paid for the ad. This dumbs-down political discourse and is no service to a community.
Vote your opinion below or email your comments to davewestburg@billboardinsider.com
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If the question is would I run this Ad. I more than likely would not. I do think it is a legit form of free speech. No different than Satire. I also think they needed a disclaimer of who paid for it.
The real crime is all that white background on a digital! Yikes!