Almost two-thirds of our readers omit prices in a ride sheet. On Tuesday Billboard Insider published comments from several readers in favor of posting prices.
A midwest out of home executive explains the case for not putting prices in ridesheets.
I saw your article yesterday about rate cards and voted but never sent an email. Its probably too late to get the into the response article but we don’t put rates on the cards, not because I think its some secret or that I want to hide it, more that I don’t want to discourage a call in. They might not have the Budget for the $1,000 a month rotary board but, if they call I could sell them on the idea of a $500 a month rotating poster to fit their budget. Had they been scared off by the price on the front end, we never would have had the chance to flip them to another product!
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I completely agree. We have the same mentality.