Who Depends on National Advertising?

A Billboard Insider reader asks “Do you by chance know what OUTFRONT, Lamar and Clear Channel Outdoor’s mix of local and national revenue is?”

Here’s the data pulled from each company’s 2023 10k or 3Q 2024 earnings presentation, analyzed and sponsored by SignValue.

  • Lamar’s more rural roadside billboard  plant relies on national advertising for only 21% of revenue.
  • Clear Channel Outdoor Americas plant in the US relies on national advertising for 35% of total revenues.
  • OUTFRONT’s urban billboard/transit plant relies on national advertising for 42% of total revenues.



SignValue’s Take: National revenues grow fast during a strong economy but drop the fastest during a recession as company’s cancel fancy brand positioning campaigns.  Local advertising (think Coffee next exit or McDonalds exit 35) may not grow as fast during boom times but is more stable during recessions. If you have questions contact Paul Wright, CEO, SignValue, paul@signvalue.com, 480-657-8400.


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