Where the out of home companies are.

Insider has a database of 424 out of home companies headquartered in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.  We are discovering new companies every day.  Here are the five states which are headquarters to the most out of home companies.  They are big states with a large interstate highway system and large populations.


There are four states in Insider’s database which have no headquarters for out of home companies. No surprise that three of the four state on the list prohibit billboards.  That doesn’t stop Alaska from being a big institutional shareholder of Lamar stock or Maine from using out of home to promote tourism or Vermont from buying billboards in neighboring states to promote seatbelt use.

How many out of home companies are headquartered in your state or province?  Here’s the list sorted alphabetically.

State/Province OOH Companies
Alabama 12
Alaska 0
Alberta 1
Arizona 12
Arkansas 7
British Columbia 2
California 23
Colorado 5
Connecticut 2
Deleware 2
District of Columbia 1
Florida 22
Georgia 33
Hawaii 1
Idaho 1
Illinois 24
Indiana 14
Iowa 2
Kansas 6
Kentucky 5
Louisiana 11
Maine 0
maryland 2
Massachusetts 8
Michigan 8
Minnesota 7
Mississippi 4
Missouri 7
Montana 5
Nebraska 6
Nevada 5
New Hampshire 1
New Jersey 8
New Mexico 1
New York 21
North Carolina 12
North Dakota 3
Ohio 17
Oklahoma 17
Ontario 3
Oregon 3
Pennsylvania 18
Rhode Island 0
South Carolina 4
South Dakota 2
Tennessee 16
Texas 44
Turks and Caicos 1
Utah 2
Vermont 0
Virginia 1
Washington 6
West Virginia 3
Wisconsin 2
Wyoming 1
Total 424


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