Where Can I Find Billboards for Sale?

Where can I find billboards for sale?  This is the third most viewed Billboard Insider post. The topic remains of interest to judge from the phone calls Insider receives.  Here’s a refresh of the ways to find billboards for sale.

Do-it-yourself.  This means driving around or doing the internet research to identify billboards  you’d like to buy, looking at the name on the nameplate and calling the owner.  Insider has assembled a list of 606 out of home advertising companies using the do-it-yourself approach.  If you want to buy the list contact billboardinsider@gmail.com.  The do-it-yourself approach allows you to target geographically.  But it is inefficient.  Most out of home companies are not for sale.  Many small out of home companies don’t have nameplates on their signs or don’t have a website.

Contact a broker and tell them what markets you’re interested in.  This is the best way to identify companies which are for sale.  The brokers have an inventory of companies for sale and they also know everyone.  A broker can make discrete inquiries on your behalf.  Here’s Insider’s shortlist of brokers worth contacting:

Check the Billboard Insider classifieds.  Click on Billboards for Sale.  A listing is for 60 days.  We send out new listings to all our newsletter subscribers every Saturday morning.

Visit Signvalue.com.  The billboards for sale portion of signvalue.com allows you to search for billboards by state.

Visit outdoorbillboard.com.   The billboards for sale portion of outdoorbillboard.com.  There are currently 13 listings.

Some cautions when using third party sites.  Buyer beware.  Trust but verify.  Ask the seller for proof that they own the signs.  Make sure that if a broker is involved they are under an agreement with either you or the seller and that all fees are disclosed.  No reputable broker will charge undisclosed fees or attempt to get in the middle of a transaction and markup signs while claiming to represent a seller.

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