What’s Happened to the Independent Out of Home Agencies?

Billboard Insider received this comment from an independent out of home company owner:

“What happened to all the agencies?  In the past there were 8-10 big agencies and 10 more small agencies that used billboards in my state.  Me and my sales guy went to see all the agencies listed, we thought it would take 2 days to work the list. We were done by 2:30 the day we started.  Most the agencies have shut down, or just don’t have big accounts that use signs.  All the big agencies were gone or down to 2 employees, where it use to be a team of 20 people.  Is it just me or is this happing other places?   Or has everything gone digital platform?”

Are there fewer out of home agencies or not?  What’s the state of the market and why?  Email davewestburg@billboardinsider.com or use the comment form below and we’ll run a followup post


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One Comment

  1. Wilkins, Billups, and Outdoor Media Solutions are the only ones I see these days.