Do You Want To Have an Article in Billboard Insider?

We get asked often about Billboard Insider’s policy on article submissions.  Here are some guidelines.

  • Be original.  Apart from hard news press releases, we have limited interest in reprinting content which has appeared elsewhere on the internet. A majority of our content is unique to our site.
  • Hard news.  We publish press releases that contain hard news of interest to our out of home executive readers, most of whom are in the US.
  • Be brief.  Our readers are busy.  They want to read 200-700 word articles over their morning cup of coffee.
  • Be informative.  We are not interested in self-servicing publicity press releases or AI generated nonsense built around keywords.   Your article should help an out of home company owner run their business more effectively.
  • Include a headshot or an image which illustrates the point you are trying to make.  Posts with images do better than posts without images.
  • We prefer articles in Word format.  PDF’s do not transfer well to a webpage.

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