Looking to do some year end giving? Join Insider in contributing to the Foundation of Outdoor Advertising Research and Education (“FOARE”). Insider talked with the OAAA’s Stephen Freitas about what FOARE does and why it deserves your support..
What is FOARE?
FOARE is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves the out of home advertising industry in several ways.
First, through financial contributions, FOARE has supported major OAAA marketing and communications initiatives in recent years that includes the #Get Out of Home, Photo Ark, Feel the Real and Art Everywhere ad campaigns.
Second, FOARE along with a number of family foundations provide scholarships to gifted students at the college and post-graduate levels. In the recent group of scholarship recipients, all of them came from families with ties to our industry, which is also an exciting fact. The number of submitted scholarship requests continues to grow which should be noted with pride. FOARE is also committed to diversity and inclusion in the OOH advertising industry. That’s why the Nancy Fletcher Leadership Scholarship is awards to a woman who has demonstrated leadership qualities and the new Joseph Zukin Jr. Scholarship for Entrepreneurship in America considers students with diverse backgrounds when selecting winners.
Third, FOARE also funds important and necessary research that has included human factors (eye-glance) research related to digital OOH through Virginia Tech, seven accident data studies by Tantala Associates, national Nielsen research studies measuring OOH advertising impact, and much more. Most recently, FOARE has funded white papers regarding autonomous vehicles and smart cities to understand the effect technology will have on the OOH advertising industry in the future.
How can I give?
Fill out and mail or fax the pledge form below to the OAAA. If you have any questions contact Stephen Freitas, sfreitas@oaaa.org, fax 202-833-1522
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