Artpop works with billboard companies to but up art on vacant billboards. Insider talked with Artpop’s founder Wendy Hickey.
What’s new at Artpop?
We made our goal of securing our funding for our ArtPop Charlotte Region for our 2021 year 8 return and wanted to share that good news with you! Such perfect timing as we are celebrating our 5 year anniversary as an official 501c3 nonprofit this month as well.
I hear that the Foundation for Outdoor Advertising Research and Education has been helping.
FOARE of OAAA is making it possible to provide the ArtistsU course for our 2021 artists too. Feeling extremely grateful and positive about our future. They have committed to a donation for 5 years to us! This is their 2nd installment of supporting our education program. Teaching artists how to live sustainable lives as full time artists through ArtistsU.
Tell us about the billboard
This is a painting by Isaac Payne. He is a 2020 #ArtPopCLT artist. http://www.isaacpayne.com Since 2014 ArtPop has supported 409 artists in 15 cities and 12 states. To learn more about Artpop or to donate click here.
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