Vendor Profile: T&B Painting

Many readers have asked Billboard Insider if we know anyone who paints billboard structures. We’ve found someone.

Company: T&B Painting Construction

Address:704 West Kentucky Rd, Madisonville, KY. 42431

Phone:  (270) 399-5938


T&B Painting is a 20 year old family run firm which paints billboard structures. Insider talked with founder Terry Burden.

How did you start painting out of home structures?

Funny thing is this business fell in my lap. I was sitting in the drive-thru at my local pharmacy waiting on my prescription, when I looked up and saw a IBeam billboard in front of me rusty and needed painting. I started making calls and here I am 20 years later and thousands of boards painted !
Tell us about your firm
This is a family run business with 7 employees and we have been painting 20+ years. We have painted all types and sizes of structures all over the U.S.  As of this year I am in the process of starting an indoor billboard company.
What mistakes do companies make when they paint their billboard structures?
One mistake I see , is some companies use oil-based paints for the structure. I have been doing this for 20 years and prefer to use Sherman Williams or PPG Paints exterior or acrylic latex for steel. This type of paint seems to last longer in my opinion. Secondly, some companies would rather paint just the mono pole only instead of complete structure. I feel this is a mistake due to years of rust build up and corrosion will be costly to company in the long run.
You’ve put together a program where you’ll donate a portion of each job your do to the OAAA’s FOARE Foundation.  Proceeds will be used for student scholarships.
This past year 2020 was a rough year for everyone and I have been trying to think of a way to help those affected the most. Painting is all I know so I put some ideas together of painting billboards to donate to a non-profit organization. My idea is to contact all the billboard companies in the U.S. and speak to them about participating by letting my company paint 3-4 or more structures in their market and by doing so my company T&B Painting Construction will donate 2% of the proceeds of each job to the OAAA’s FOARE Scholarship program which supports those in the out of home industry or interested in the out of home industry who wish to further their education. I look forward to speaking to each billboard company and excited to paint for this cause.
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One Comment

  1. Fantastic. A much needed service for the billboard industry. All billboards get rusty. The key is the product used and how it is applied.